Majority of Apps spy on users
Sat Dec 18, 2010 6:35PM
Translation by Autumnson Blog

An investigation into smartphone applications has revealed that most the Apps are designed to spy on people, transmitting personal data of device owners to different companies.
According to The Wall Street Journal's investigation, 56 of the 101 widely used Apps -- including software and games for iPhone and Android phones -- transferred the personal details of their users to advertising companies without the consent of users.
據華爾街日報的調查,101種廣泛使用的應用程序中的56種 -包括軟件和為 iPhone和Android手機的遊戲 -轉送它們用戶的個人資料往廣告公司而未經用戶同意。
Various companies benefit from the personal information in different ways, ranging from finding the users address to their interests and software they use the most.
Forty-seven of these applications transmitted the location of the phone, whereas age, gender and other personal information were sent by five of the Apps. The unique ID number assigned to each phone by the manufacturers was the most widely shared detail.
iPhone sends out more information compared with Androids which typically use Google operating systems, the study found.
TextPlus 4 (iPhone App for text messaging), Pandora (a music App in both iPhone and Android), and Paper Toss (a game in both iPhone and Android) were the applications sharing the most data. The manufacturers of TextPlus 4 and Pandora; however, deny the claim, saying that the Apps share data anonymously and the personal profile, including age and gender, is transferred voluntarily.
Apple, similarly, says iPhone Apps "cannot transmit data about a user without obtaining the user's prior permission and providing the user with access to information about how and where the data will be used."
The manufacturers of Smart Phones running Google's Android operating systems, such as Motorola Inc, Samsung Electronics Co and Google, say the responsibility of handling with user's information rests with the App-makers. If users do not like a particular application to have access to their data, they can simply choose not to install the app, Google says.
While computer users can block or delete tiny tracking files (cookies), smartphone users are completely powerless in this regard.
"In the world of mobile, there is no anonymity," says Michael Becker of the Mobile Marketing Association, stressing that a cell phone is "always with us. It's always on."
中廣網北京12月20日消息 據中國之聲《新聞縱橫》報道,現在沒有什麼其他的設備能夠比手機更了解用戶的隱私了,包括手機號碼、當前位置、真實姓名,以及手機獨一無二的序列號信息。更為糟糕的是,這些手機並不為用戶保守秘密。
最新一項調查顯示,在101項最受歡迎的智能手機應用程序中有56%的程序在用戶毫不知情的情況下,將用戶手機獨一無二的ID信息發送給其他公司。而調查還顯示,iPhone應用發送的數據高於Android應用所發送的數據,在iPhone應用中,一款名為TextPlus 4的程序泄密的情況最為嚴重,這款程序曾經向8家公司泄露手機的ID信息,並向其中的兩家公司發送用戶的年齡、性別和區號,經常在手機上存儲個人隱私的朋友要多加小心了。