DPRK army and people 'ready for all-out war'
Updated: 2010-12-12 10:17
Translation by Autumnson Blog
PYONGYANG - The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) said its army and people were ready for escalated conflicts and all-out war that would not be confined to the peninsula, the official news agency KCNA reported Saturday.
新華社平壤 - 韓國民主人民共和國(朝鮮)表示,它的軍隊和人民都為升級的衝突和全面戰爭作好準備,不會局限在半島,官方通訊社朝中社星期六報導。
According to the KCNA, a spokesman for the National Peace Committee of Korea said in the statement released Saturday that the recent moves of the US indicated that it was fully joining in Republic of Korea (ROK)'s moves for a war of aggression against the DPRK after "throwing away the disguise of a hypocrite".
It was clear that if the ROK army mobilized all flying corps, warships and missiles for a war against the DPRK and the US joined them with the latest weapons, it would develop into an all-out war, not a local war, he said.
The spokesman said ROK and the US fabricated the sinking of the ROK'S warship the Cheonan early this year and the recent Yonphyong Island shelling incident was aimed at sparking an all-out war.
It was ridiculous for the south to talk about a "right to self-defence". It was no more than "war servants and colonial stooges" of the US, he said.
"Should an all-out war break out again on this land, it will not be confined to the boundaries of the peninsula," he said.
The army and people who are ready for both escalated war and an all-out war will "deal merciless retaliatory blows" at the provocateurs and aggressors and blow up their bases and thus honorably defend the dignity and security of the nation, he said.
He warned ROK and the US to bear in mind that their ignition of a dangerous war would bring them nothing but self-destruction.
It was reported that the US and ROK held a meeting of the chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of ROK and the US in Seoul on Dec 8 over a military attack on the DPRK under the pretext of "deterring provocation".
Tension on the peninsula increased after the exchange of artillery fire on Nov 23 between ROK and DPRK, which killed four people.
(明報)2010年12月11日 星期六 23:05
朝鮮中央通訊社當天援引這位發言人的話報道,韓國 最近以炮擊事件為由宣稱要「遏制(朝鮮的)挑釁」,並將行使「自衛權」。美國 則公然贊同韓國的這些言論。這等於是向朝鮮發出「宣戰布告」,企圖發動全面戰爭。
(新華社 )
Top Level Iranian Defector: I Regularly Saw ‘North Korean Technicians’ in Tehran
Posted by Jim Hoft
on Thursday, December 9, 2010, 9:32 AM

前伊朗外交官穆罕默德禮 Heydari,之前2010年1月在這裡看到,說他定期看到北朝鮮的技術人員在德黑蘭機場, 在2002年至2007年之間。 (法國 24)
The former Iranian consul general to Norway told reporters on Tuesday that he had regularly seen North Korean technicians at the Tehran airport between 2002 and 2007.
France 24 reported:
A former Iranian diplomat who defected to the West said on Tuesday he had regularly seen North Korean technicians at Tehran airport between 2002 and 2007.http://gatewaypundit.rightnetwork.com/2010/12/top-level-iranian-defector-i-regularly-saw-north-korean-technicians-in-tehran/
Western intelligence agencies suspect North Korea may be helping Iran to develop long-range ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons technology. Tehran insists it simply wants to develop civilian nuclear power.
Mohammed Reza Heydari, Iran’s former consul general in Norway, defected amid protests in his homeland over Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s disputed re-election. Norway granted him asylum in February.
On Tuesday he told reporters at a meeting organised by the Paris-based think-tank the Centre of Political and Foreign Affairs that he had seen North Koreans when he had been a foreign ministry official at Tehran airport.
“I saw them with my own eyes,” he said. “They were treated in a very discreet manner, in order to pass through without being seen.”
Heydari said he was “100 percent certain” that these contacts continue and alleged he had spoken to members of Iran’s hardline Revolutionary Guards Corps who confirmed that Iran plans to build a bomb.
“I was able to confirm that Iran has two goals — to develop the range of its ground-to-ground missiles and to obtain a nuclear weapon with the help of North Korea,” he said.
朝鮮威脅韓國發動核戰爭 美國州長緊急赴朝調解