Gates: Public Opinion Can’t Stop Afghan War
As Clinton Chides Americans to Support Occupation, Gates Insists Their Opinions Don't Count Anyhow
by Jason Ditz, December 16, 2010
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton played the usual appeal to fear card in trying to bolster public support for the Afghan War, even as polls show the American public overwhelmingly opposed to continuing the occupation, already in its tenth year. Her comments urged Americans to see the war as “protecting their families.”

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates had a somewhat more frank piece of advice for Americans – the government really doesn’t care what you think and isn’t going to end the war no matter how unpopular it gets.
國防部長羅伯特蓋茨有一稍微較為坦誠的一段忠告給美國人- 政府真的不在乎你在想什麼,和不會去結束戰爭,不管它會多麼不受歡迎。
Gates insisted that the government was more interested in the “long-term” implications of the war than its massive unpopularity. He didn’t indicate how long “long-term” was, but it clearly must have been well more than the 9+ years the US has already been occupying Afghanistan.
In that regard, it seems Gates is continuing the Bush Administration’s rhetoric, that massive unpopularity really doesn’t matter when the ruling class has decided that a bad war is going to continue, and that critics of administration policy must inevitably be drown out by the enormous echo chamber of officials who see an endless, failing war as politically expedient.