Iran Built Suicide Fleet
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Source: The Sun Online
Translation by Autumnson Blog

More than 9,000 speedboats have been made with deadly explosives engineered into their hulls.
超過 9,000架快艇已被製造,有致命的炸藥建造到它們的殼。
The vessels - to patrol the Persian Gulf where UK forces operate - will be piloted by extremist "martyrs".
船隻 - 巡邏波斯灣在那裡英國部隊行動的 - 將由極端主義者“烈士”導航。
They can be rammed into the side of "enemy" ships and each carries enough explosives to rip a seven-metre hole in a boat's keel.
Around 30,000 kamikaze captains are being trained to steer the ships, a source claimed.
約 30,000敢死隊隊長正在接受培訓駕駛船隻,來源宣稱。
There are plans to build 15,000 of the six-metre vessels. Their C4 explosives go off when rammed into larger ships.
有計劃建設 15,000艘六米的船隻,他們的C4炸藥響起當撞向較大的船隻時。
An Iranian defector asked to design the crafts revealed the secret plot after fleeing the country - led by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
一名被要求設計船隻的伊朗變節者,在逃離該國後揭示秘密陰謀 - 由總統內賈德領導的。
The ex-military engineer, said: "They wanted me to help build a vast fleet of suicide boats. It's shocking. That amount of explosives is deadly. I love Iran and that's why I'm revealing this. No one in Iran wants a war."
A US vessel was attacked by a suicide boat in 2000, killing 17, in Yemen.