


H1N1 vaccine linked to 700 percent increase in miscarriages

Wednesday, December 08, 2010
by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
Translation by Autumnson Blog

(NaturalNews) Recent data presented to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Advisory Committee on Children's Vaccines has revealed some shocking information about the effects of the H1N1 / swine flu vaccine on pregnant women. According to the report, the rate of miscarriage among pregnant women during the 2009 H1N1 / swine flu pandemic soared by over 700 percent compared to previous years, pointing directly to the vaccine as the culprit -- but the CDC denies the truth and continues to insist nobody has been harmed.
(NaturalNews)最近提交給美國疾病控制和預防中心(CDC)對兒童疫苗諮詢委員會的數據,已揭示出一些令人震驚的資料,有關H1N1 /豬流感疫苗對孕婦的影響。根據報告,孕婦在2009年H1N1 /豬流感疫情的流產率,相較於之前數年猛增超過 700%,直接指向疫苗為罪魁禍首 - 但疾病預防控制中心否認事實,並繼續堅持沒有人受到傷害。
According to the CDC, nearly 50 percent of all pregnant women were vaccinated with the H1N1 vaccine during the 2009 / 2010 influenza season. Those whose physicians instructed them to get a seasonal flu shot were three times more likely to get it, while those instructed specifically to get the H1N1 shot were ten times more likely to get it. And the numbers clearly show that along with the rise in vaccinations due to the H1N1 scare came the sharp increase in miscarriages, including a slew of actual reported adverse events.
據 CDC,近50%的所有懷孕婦女在2009 / 2010流感季節接種過H1N1疫苗,那些被她們的醫生指示去注射季節性流感疫苗,是三倍多於可能注射它的;而那些具體地被指示注射H1N1疫苗,是十倍多於可能注射它的。和數字清楚地顯示,隨著由於H1N1嚇唬而接種疫苗上升的數字,流產出現 急劇增加,包括許多的實質副作用報告。
But the CDC does not seem to care about the facts, as numerous reports indicate the agency has failed to report any of this vital information to vaccine suppliers. In fact, when presented with the data for the third time, Dr. Marie McCormick, chair of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Vaccine Risk and Assessment Working Group, actually had the audacity to claim that there were no vaccine-related adverse events in pregnant women caused by the vaccine.
"This baseless and fallacious assessment by the CDC assessment group has given the green light to the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) to continue their recommendation to give the 2010/11 flu shot to all people, including pregnant women," explained Eileen Dannemann, director of the National Coalition of Organized Women, presenter of the information.

"This upcoming 2010/11 flu vaccine contains the same elements that are implicated in the killing of these fetuses, the H1N1 viral component and the neurotoxin mercury (Thimerosal). Additionally, it contains two other viral strains -- a three-in-one shot for all people."

Overall, the number of vaccine-related "fetal demise" reports increased by 2,440 percent in 2009 compared to previous years, which is even more shocking than the miscarriage statistic. Meanwhile, the CDC continues to lie to the public about the vaccine, urging everyone, including pregnant women, to get it.

To read the report for yourself, visit: http://www.progressiveconvergence.c...

Sources for this story include:



國土以外的疫苗刺戳副作用及死亡報告 更新1


香港疫苗注射及豬流感清況 更新4

美國組織奠定基礎 控告豬流感刺戳引致流產


美疾控中心據稱偽造報告 - 不顧來自H1N1疫苗高達 3,587宗的流產





比爾蓋茨絕對令人震驚、不光彩的咆哮: 疫苗安全懷疑論者殺害兒童!
