Unusual UFO Photograph
By V. C. Renfroe
© 2010 All Rights Reserved
Translation by Autumnson Blog

With Objects

Are UFOs right in front of our eyes and yet not seen? Apparently so, as I recently discovered. In the fall of this year I uploaded a photo to my computer which I had taken in early July, 2010 while driving with my husband through southern New Mexico, about thirty miles or so north of Las Cruces. Chemtrails were on my mind that day. The absence of trails and their obscuring haze in favor of our grand, billowing, natural clouds inspired me to take random sky pictures.
不明飛行物是否正在我們的眼前和仍沒被見?顯然是這樣,正如我最近所發現的。在今年秋天我上傳一張照片到我的電腦,那是我在2010年七月初拍攝,當與丈夫駕車通過新墨西哥州南部時,那是大約 30英里左右在拉斯克魯塞斯以北。 當天病毒拖曳是在我的腦中.....自然雲彩啟發我拍攝隨意的天空照片。
I noticed nothing unusual in the air at the time, and I am fairly observant, having spent many years as a painter visual artist. But there in the upper left of the computer image, poised in the white, cumulous puffs, was a strange, ethereal, skyscraperesque shape with dark window-like openings. Some kind of template, hinge, I puzzled. Nothing mirrored from inside the car, I concluded; a reflection would not appear embedded in the clouds.
Despite my rank UFO novice status, this particular invisible sighting seemed out of the UFO norm to me. I didn't notice the other UFOs-the cluster of little orbs-in the picture until I was making a report to MUFON in late November after viewing the following NASA UFO footage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlLN_Jcg1pc Frame #ISS-077-E06886, "Photographed outside ISS during expedition 7," (1) which presents near the beginning of the video, motivated my communication with folks knowledgeable in the subject. This odd UFO bears similarity to the one I didn't see hanging-out in the New Mexico desert. Maybe.
So it may well be that UFOs are around us, above us, all the time. According to MUFON Investigator Dee Gragg, P.E., unseen UFO images are turning up frequently in people's photographs. "When a UFO wants to disappear," he says, "it changes its electromagnetic frequency from visible light to either Infrared (IR) or Ultraviolet (UV). So you can't see it, but it is there." He also points out that the new Spaceport is being built near tiny Upham, New Mexico, just up the road from my unseen encounter. "It would be interesting to know if they [the UFO and the Spaceport] have any relationship," muses Gragg. "Unfortunately, we don't have enough information to make any statement." (2) Yes, it would be interesting to know. Nevertheless, I am grateful to have happened upon a UFO, albeit after the fact via digital camera and computer. It is something, some tangible evidence of that Bigger Something at a time when, in myriad ways, we are stumbling through the dark in broad daylight.
1. KERRY'S BLOG, November 20, 2010, Project Camelot Productions, http://projectcamelotproductions.com/blog-hp.html (08 December 2010).
2. Dee Gragg, P. E., e-mail message to author, November, 28, 2010.