

衛生主管敦促人們接受刺戳 在突然迸發的豬流感死亡後

衛生主管敦促人們接受刺戳 在突然迸發的豬流感死亡後
Health chiefs urge people to have jabs after spate of swine flu deaths

Virus that swept the country last year has claimed the lives of 10 adults in the last six weeks
去年橫掃全國的病毒,在過去六個星期已取去 10名成年人的生命,

Robin McKie
The Observer,
Sunday 12 December 2010
Translation by Autumnson Blog
A woman protects herself against swine flu in April 2009; the disease has killed 10 adults in recent weeks. Photograph: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images
2009年4月一位女仕保護自己預防豬流感;疾病在最近幾個星期已造成10名成年人死亡。 攝影:丹基特伍德/蓋蒂圖片社

Health chiefs have urged people to be vaccinated against swine flu. The move followed the revelation that the same virus that swept the country last year has claimed the lives of 10 adults in the UK in the past six weeks.
The Health Protection Agency said that the deaths involved adults under the age of 65 and were all associated with H1N1 swine flu. Most had underlying conditions, but "a small proportion" were healthy before contracting the virus, a spokeswoman added.
"Over the last few weeks we have seen a rise in the number of cases of seasonal flu, including both H1N1 (2009) and flu B," said Professor John Watson, the agency's head of respiratory diseases. "We have also received reports of patients with serious illness requiring hospitalisation and outbreaks of flu in schools.
“在過去的幾星期,我們已看到季節性流感的病例數字上升,包括H1N1病毒(2009年)和流感B兩者”約翰華生教授說,機構的呼吸系統疾病負責人。 “我們亦收到病情嚴重患者的報告要求住院,並在學校的流感爆發。
"For most people, flu is not life-threatening. However, it can be far more dangerous for those in at-risk groups, such as the elderly, pregnant women and patients with heart problems, diabetes or lung, liver or renal diseases. Flu vaccination offers the best protection for those at high risk from seasonal influenza. If you are in an at-risk group and you haven't had your jab, we recommend you make an appointment with your GP or medical practitioner now."
Professor David Salisbury, director of immunisation at the Department of Health, said: "These figures demonstrate that the effects of flu are not to be underestimated. It is not the same as getting a cold and can seriously affect your health. The seasonal flu jab protects against the dominant strains, including the type known as swine flu."


甲型H1N1流感在英國卷土重來殺10英人 醫界震驚
