另一個孩子被國家偷去 - 還有多少個我們要袖手旁觀?
Another Child Stolen By the State - how many more are we going to stand by and watch?
Saturday, 11 December 2010 10:44
Translation by Autumnson Blog
'Ellie-Jay was born in Dublin, she was raised in Wexford for the first year of her life by her nan. UK social services prevented Ellie-Jay returning to Ireland even though her nan had been assessed by the Irish Authorities and deemed fit to take care of her with no concerns! On 19th November 2009, Ellie-Jay was stolen from her nan at Holyhead Port by the authorities, she has never been returned to her family and is now up for adoption in the UK.'
'埃利-周在都柏林出生,在她生命的第一年由她的老奶奶在韋克斯福德餵養。英國社會服務阻止艾莉-周重返愛爾蘭,儘管她的老奶奶被愛爾蘭當局評估並認為適合照顧她而沒有問題! 在2009年11月19日,埃利-周被當局在她老奶奶的聖首港偷去,她從來沒有被送回到她的家庭,和現在在英國被舉牌供收養。'
Ellie-Jay is about to be adopted out when she has a perfectly good family to take care of her. She is worth money to the UK SS, cute, healthy, affectionate....worth around 30K maybe more, who knows!! It's wrong, it's child abuse in itself....help prevent it!!
埃莉-周即將被收養,當她有一個非常良好的家庭照顧她。對英國SS她是值錢的,可愛、健康、溫柔親切....價值約 30K或也許更多,誰知道!它是錯的,它本身是虐待兒童....幫助防止它!