Bob Boyce's un-requested VeriChip and associated tumor removed
Boyce finally had the second VeriChip implant removed yesterday along with the associated tumor. This time the surgical staff documented the implant with photos, and the surgeon placed the "foreign body" in a specimen container and sealed it to establish chain of custody evidence.
by Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News
Copyright © 2010
December 7, 2010
Translation by Autumnson Blog

Last year we reported that Bob Boyce, the highly-revered inventor of ultra-efficient electrolysis systems and of a self-charging battery circuit (harnessing energy from the environment, possibly from zero point energy), had contracted terminal cancer and that the originating point was a VeriChip microchip that someone implanted in his right shoulder without his knowledge or permission.
He had a chip removed, but it turned out that another chip was still in there, implanted deeper, as confirmed by an X-ray.
He's lived with that one for a year, but finally had it removed yesterday at the Fannin Regional Hospital in Blue Ridge, Georgia.
The Fannin surgical staff took photos as the chip was removed from the tissue and placed in a specimen container, labeled "foreign body", and sealed by the surgeon. The blue color of the tissue is from a dye that was injected to mark cancerous cells.

Such chips have been documented to sometimes instigate tumors where they are implanted (ref), as was the case with Boyce (ref).
Boyce posted photos of the process on his website, along with the comment:
Some have said that this VeriChip was a figment of my imagination. Well, this "imaginary" VeriChip removal was documented on film by surgical staff.
The first time Boyce noticed what turned out to be the first of two chips was in early April, 2009 when he was working with a former associate, Bob Potchen, of Precombustion Technologies Inc. (PTI), now "The Cell", who he first met in July of 2008. Potchen, formerly with NSA, was implementing Boyce's hydroxy gas booster technology into a product to take to market. Their relationship had been growing tense, and Boyce was preparing to depart.
After drinking a "refreshment" drink Potchen provided, Boyce had fallen asleep at a desk at PTI's office, pulling an all-nighter. When he awoke, his right shoulder felt like it had been numbed; and when he rubbed it, he noticed a small, hard lump there. Having recently had some benign skin cancer removed, he assumed it was just another tumor, and thought no more of it, until the skin turned red and his shoulder became very sore many months later.

Back at his own lab, he noticed that his shoulder was "transmitting" RF radiation. Then, when he had the tumor that formed there removed, he looked at the small-grain-of-rice-sized microchip before the doctor took the tissue away to be examined by pathology. He then researched various companies that manufacture implantable microchips, and he saw that the chip that had been removed from his shoulder matched the chip design by VeriChip. In particular, there is a thin, white rubber-like coating on one end that the tissue grows to so the chip won't migrate. The pathology report did not mention the chip.
Due to the politics of the situation, Boyce has had a hard time finding a surgeon to remove the chip and document its removal. This time around, Boyce wanted to make sure there was proper legal "chain of custody" when the second chip was removed, as certified by the surgeon when placed in a specimen container, which was sealed, labeled, dated, and signed by the surgeon.
The reason for Boyce's falling out was that Potchen, who is former Military Intelligence, had been making modifications to the hydroxy-generating device that Boyce said were reducing the cell's efficiency. Prior to those modifications, the cell was producing great results when installed in test vehicles. In one case, the mileage of a truck increased from 5.5 mpg to 11.7 mpg – more than double.
Boyce described a number of modifications that Potchen made in the name of making the cell cheaper to produce, but which significantly worked against the efficiency. "It's as if he was intentionally sabotaging the system to discredit the field."
Boyce withdrew his endorsement of Potchen's device and published his concerns to some hydroxy forums.
The saga from there is long and drawn-out and still ongoing. This is the latest installation.
Ironically, Boyce's operation yesterday was exactly one year after we posted a story: Boyce chip implanter suspect identified.