How the Animated Series G.I. Joe Predicted Today’s Illuminati Agenda
By Vigilant
December 9th, 2010
Translation by Autumnson Blog
G.I. Joe is an iconic cartoon TV show that marked an entire generation of young boys during the 80s. Most fans still recall the main characters and the epic gun fights. But what about the storyline? A look at the TV series in today’s context is quite a strange experience: Many of Cobra’s “far-out” plots are actually happening today. Could G.I. Joe be a case of predictive programming? We will look at some G.I. Joe episodes describing the replacement of the US dollar and the usage of mind control on celebrities and civilians and see how they relate in today’s context.
G.I.Joe是一套標誌性的電視卡通節目,標誌著80年代一整代的小男孩。大多數的粉絲仍然記得主要角色和史詩般的槍戰,但故事情節怎樣?以今天的背景一看那電視連續劇是一次相當奇怪的經驗:眼鏡蛇的許多“違返常規”情節其實在今天發生中。 G.I. Joe可能是一宗預測編程的個案嗎?我們將看看一些G.I. Joe劇集,描述美元的取替和使用精神控制在名人和平民身上,及看它們如何與今天的背景有關。

As a guy who grew up in the 80s, I can personally attest that G.I. Joe was definitely on the menu in my after-school TV cartoon line-up. If you’re a younger reader, let me tell you this (at the risk of sounding like a grumpy uncle): G.I. Joe wasn’t your wimpy Dora the Explorer cartoon. It was a half-hour full of bad-ass characters face-kicking and laser-gun-shooting their way to victory. And that’s pretty much what I remembered of this TV show – laser-gun shootouts – until recently.
作為一個在80年代長大的小伙子,我個人可以證明G.I. Joe肯定是在我的課後電視卡通陣容的清單上。如果你是一位年輕讀者,讓我告訴你這(在風險聽起來像一位脾氣暴躁的叔叔):G.I. Joe不是你的探險者卡通懦弱朵拉。它是一套半小時的全壞笨蛋角色,踢臉和激光槍射擊他們的方式贏得勝利。而它是幾常我會想起這套電視節目 - 激光槍槍戰 - 直到最近。
A reader of this site recommended I view a particular episode of the series called Money to Burn, which depicts in great detail a vital part of today’s NWO agenda (discussed later). I was in shock. So I watched other episodes in the series and this is what I saw: psychological warfare, tapping into occult forces to obtain political power, military research funded by huge corporations and mind control used on civilians and celebrities. The series pretty much summed up the entire contents of the Vigilant Citizen website. Most of the shady things are accomplished by Cobra Commander, the “bad-guy” of the show, who is a ruthless terrorist aiming for world domination. The Joes always managed to stop Cobra, however, dismantling his evil schemes in an orgy of laser-gun fire and spectacular explosions.

Watching the shows today, however, was very unsettling: Because of open-access information laws and the Internet, it is slowly coming to light that today’s shadow governments are actually carrying out most of Cobra’s plans … in real life. News about these plans come on a daily basis in mainstream news (we do our best here at Vigilant Citizen to report them in Latest News section). Did G.I. Joe contain “predictive programming”, a technique based on planting ideas and concepts in the brains of viewers in order to make them seem normal and easily accepted when they actually happen?
Show Overview
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero ran in syndication from 1985 to 1989. The opening title sequence stated: “G.I. Joe is the code name for America’s daring, highly-trained Special Mission force. Its purpose: To defend human freedom against Cobra, a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world.” The shows ended with a public service announcement, where the Joes gave safety tips to the children. These announcements always concluded with a now-famous saying: “Knowing is half the battle!”

The animated series was designed to promote Hasbro’s line of action figures of the same name. In fact, each episode purposely featured a different character in order to boost the associated toy’s sales. Maybe this is the reason why the Joes had relatively lame and clichéd dialogue compared to the more complex and interesting Cobras. Other than promoting merchandise, the series pushed an obvious pro-American-military-industrial-complex agenda, a reflection of the Reagan-era dogma happening at the time, which was characterized by a showdown with the Soviet Union. In this context, one might expect the Cobra Organization to represent the “evil communists” as was the trend in so many movies in the 1980s.
Surprisingly, that is not the case. The “bad guys” in G.I. Joe are actually funded by a huge American corporation named Extensive Enterprises and its reptilian leaders (wink to David Icke) carried out their devious plans from hidden “Cobra Temples”. These bases, established all across the world with no regard to national borders, were often situated in mystical locations, such as Easter Island or by China’s underground terracotta warriors (Cobras apparently believe in the powers of geomancy). In fact, the Cobra Organization bears few characteristics of a communist or “terrorist” organization and many characteristics of an elitist secret society in the style of what we call the Illuminati.


Even more significant is the plot of the first G.I. Joe episode ever aired. In the mini-series, titled Pyramid of Darkness, Cobra seeks to take control of the world by shutting down the power grid of the Northern Hemisphere.

As we watch later episodes, it becomes noticeable that Cobra Commander’s numerous plans to conquer the world are eerily similar to actual events happening today, 25 years after the broadcast of these episodes, in another example of how “science fiction” is indeed becoming reality. Here are some aspects of the Illuminati agenda that were exploited in G.I. Joe:

Cobra then addresses the nation through a TV broadcast (he seems to have easy access to mass media). This is what he says:
“Attention citizens! Due to the financial irresponsibility and incompetence of your leaders, Cobra has found it necessary to restructure your nation’s economy. We have begun by eliminating the worthless green paper, which your government has deceived you into believing is valuable. Cobra will come to your rescue and, out of the ashes, will arise a NEW ORDER!”
This is pretty deep stuff for a show aimed at children under 12. This speech basically outlines the modus operandi of the Illuminati shadow government: create a crisis, cause chaos, claim to have the only solution, get people to beg for that solution, and restore “Order out of Chaos”. Furthermore, declaring this New Order to rise out of its ashes is reminiscent of the Masonic concept of a phoenix rising out of the ashes.
There is truth in Cobra’s statement regarding the real value of paper money. The American dollar has had no actual value since 1971, when the gold standard was abandoned by the Nixon administration. The American dollar’s value used to be based on a fixed weight of gold. Today it can effectively lose all its value and become worthless overnight, as its value is not backed by any tangible goods … and this is what was happening in this episode of G.I. Joe.
After Cobra’s announcement, the dazed and confused American people assemble before the Department of Treasury and shout “We want money!”, begging the government to provide a solution to their problem. The Joes see the situation and observe that “buying and selling has been replaced by rioting and looting”.
Then Cobra appears on TV again and says:
“Citizens of the United States, I am pleased to announce Cobra’s economic recovery plan! If you want money to buy food for your children, take all your valuables to the nearest branch of Extensive Entreprises. There, all goods will be exchanged for Cobra currency!”

This exact phenomena is happening today. There is currently a sustained effort to take gold and other valuables off the hands of the public through “Cash for Gold” programs. You might have been assaulted by ridiculous ads like these:

In a hidden Cobra Temple, the heads of Extensive Enterprises show a rich client the “largest stockpile of tangible assets ever assembled”.

Fortunately, the Joes come to the rescue, restored the American dollar and destroyed pretty much everything in sight, including the Cobra Temple. Yo Joe!
Mind Controlling Celebrities to Mind Control the MassesMany articles on this site discuss the use of mind control in popular culture, a concept that might be hard for some to believe. Well, the Joes were fighting it back in 1986.
Sold Out Singers
In the episode entitled Rendez-Vous in the City of the Dead, Shipwreck and Snake Eyes (two G.I. Joe characters) enter a Cobra-owned night club named “Snake Club” (Cobra obviously knows the power of indoctrinating the youth through entertainment). There, a signer named Satin sings the praise of Cobra in the form of a love song. The singers’ backup dancers are dressed alike in Cobra-style costumes.

Now, where did I see a famous singer performing on stage with dancers symbolizing the people’s oppression? Oh, right, right, right …

MK-Ultra Celebrities
In another episode, titled Glamour Girls, the show describes nothing less than the use of MK Ultra in the entertainment business.
Cobra Commander, with the help of Dr. Mindbender, strikes a deal with an international cosmetic tycoon. Cobra agrees to provide a constant flow of beautiful young girls to the company in exchange for a face-transplant technology developed by the tycoon. Cobra therefore launches “Operation High Fashion”, which aims to recruit young models, singers and actresses by catering to their dreams of being famous.
In order to lure these girls, Cobra sends them invitations to a photo shoot, which will appear in an issue of “Glamour Girls” magazine, the most prestigious fashion magazine in the world – a publication that is owned by Cobra’s Extensive Enterprises (Cobra of course owns multiple media outlets, like today’s Illuminati).

The models are then instructed to go to a “party” and they do so without questioning. In their mind-controlled state, the models dissociate from reality and perceive the party as being a glamorous get-together attended by classy gentlemen. When their hypnotic state wears off however, the harsh reality kicks in.

All of the young girls and celebrities who fall for this trap are manhandled and thrown into a dungeon.

The theme of mind control is becoming increasingly prevalent in today’s fashion industry and it is often coded with the use of lifeless mannequins and Monarch butterflies.

Fortunately, the Joes manage to track down the Cobra’s dungeon, punch everybody’s lights out and rescue the young ladies. Yo Joe!
Using Mind-Controlled Civilians in Secret Military Missions
In Operation Mind Menace, the theme of mind control is yet again exploited. In this episode, the Cobra Organization kidnaps civilians known to have psychic abilities, in order to harness their power and use them in secret missions.

Kidnapped civilians with psychic powers entering the Cobra Temple. The device on their chests are amplifiers. Similar devices are reportedly implanted in the brains of actual Theta programming victims.
In Monarch programming terms, this is known as “Theta Programming” and it encompasses the usage of psychic powers, such as extra-sensory perception (ESP), remote viewing, telepathy and psychic killing. Documents have been released proving that the CIA has been conducting experiments to harness these powers and to use them on the battlefield since the 1970s:
“THETA considered to the “psychic” programming. Bloodliners (those coming from multi-generational Satanic families) were determined to exhibit a greater propensity for having telepathic abilities than did non-bloodliners. Due to its evident limitations, however, various forms of electronic mind control systems were developed and introduced, namely, bio-medical human telemetry devices (brain implants), directed-energy lasers using microwaves and/or electromagnetics.”
- Ron Patton, Project Monarch Mind Control
“Theta Programming got its name just as the Alpha, Beta, and Delta Programming in part from the four types of EEG brain waves. Theta waves are frequent in children. (…) Psychic warfare became a branch of the Monarch Programming. This is the Theta Programming. It is the marriage of occult practices with state of the art science. The idea to be able to copy what Elisha did to the King of Syria (2 KG 6:11-12) when he “telepathically” spied on the enemy, discovered their plans, and thereby ruined their chances of success. Today this has been called “ESPionage”, and the U.S. Army’s term is “psychotronics”. Of course, the CIA’s position is that they couldn’t find anything that worked, but that is simply not true, because the co-authors know of many Theta alters and Theta model systems which have Theta programming which is successful. (…)
Whether the public perceives Psychic warfare as viable or not, billions of dollars have been spent on it, and numerous Theta models produced. (…)
Since slaves can not be consistently given Theta programming, a surgical implantation of a sodium/lithium powered high frequency receiver/transducers coupled with a multi-range discharge capacitor was placed into the brains of Monarch slaves. This gives the handlers the ability to signal by remote signals to the victim’s brain. When the receiver picks up the signals they electronically stimulate certain areas of the brain which in turn triggers pre-set programming. Implants are now being placed in a high percentage of the Monarch slaves.”
- Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Mind Control Slave
These secret programs are slyly being revealed to the public in movies. In Men Who Stare at Goats, the issue is presented as comedy. However, the movie is based on an actual US military project: Lieutenant Colonel Jim Channon’s First Earth Battalion.

In G.I. Joe, the mind-controlled civilians talk in a robotic manner and are detained in high-tech facilities.

Fortunately, the Joes tracked down the Cobras, rescued the civilians and kicked everyone’s ass back to sanity. Yo Joe!
In Conclusion
G.I. Joe is an iconic mid-80′s television series that undoubtedly impacted the imagination of an entire generation of children. The action-packed battle scenes, the memorable characters and the futuristic, sci-fi plots made the show a sure hit with young boys, especially. Watching these shows today, we discover that many of the Cobra’s plots have been a hidden reality and/or are slowly becoming reality. And these plans are not coming from “a shadowy terrorist organization” but from our own “elected” leaders and their elite rulers.
The Joes are presented as a group of all-American soldiers with strong values, fighting with integrity and honesty against an ever-plotting terrorist group. They are what the American army is supposed to be and the ideal image that the military-industrial-complex want us to believe. But the Joe’s enemies, the ever-plotting terrorist group is not a foreign menace: It exists within the system. In other words, if the Joes existed today, they would probably be fighting their own government , the hidden part of it … what we call the Illuminati.
So the question remains: Why did the series describe these sophisticated plans with such vivid details to its youthful audience? Was G.I. Joe one of the many TV shows and movies sponsored by the American government and the owners of the mass media companies who broadcast it? Were they preparing the youth to the revelation of realities by exposing it to them at a young age? Were they trying to warn the public? The creators of this show definitely knew the answer to these questions, and we should too. Because knowing is half the battle.
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