


想不打疫苗?想不植入晶片?想學陶淵明採菊東籬下?想吃自己種植的無污染食物?想避開種種害你的事情,靠自己隱居山林種植為生? 都不能了,在眾議院通過S510後就不能了!

啟 示 錄13:17
除 了 那 受 印 記 、 有 了 獸 名 、 或 有 獸 名 數 目 的 、 都 不 得 作 買 賣 。

Food Safety Sneak Attack! Passed by Unanimous Consent

Barbara H. Peterson
Farm Wars
Dec 19, 2010
Translation by Autumnson Blog

How many times does Congress have to stick it to us before we realize that this body politic has no other function than to obey its corporate masters? If you think that you are being represented by these crooks, liars and thieves, then think again. The “Food Safety” bill is alive and has taken so many twists and turns to end up on the verge of becoming law of the land that nobody in his or her right mind could possibly believe that they are not going to cram this garbage down our collective throat no matter what.
有多少次議會要對我們堅持它,在我們認知這個政治體是沒有其他功能除了服從它的企業主人之前?如果你認為你在被這些騙子、騙子和小偷代表,那麼再次想想。 “食品安全“法案仍活著,和已飽受這麼多波折,最終在邊緣成為土地的法律,沒有人在他或她的正確頭腦有可能認為,他們不是去狼吞虎嚥這垃圾集體下喉嚨,不管如何。
And if you thought that good old Sen. Tom Coburn, who had been blocking the legislation would ultimately hold onto what little integrity he could muster and save the day by rescuing us from impending Food Safety doom, think no more. “He lifted his objection at the final moment” (Alexander Bolton), and this travesty of justice was passed in the Senate by unanimous consent.

So, I present to you, unequivocally, the final straw that broke the camel’s back for any sane person relying on Congress to be anything other than what it is; and that is a reeking cesspool of corruption and deceit. It would seem that the only thing to do now is bend over and…well, you know the rest. The House will, quite possibly place the final nail in the coffin on Tuesday.
Food Safety Bill Lives
Jamie Dupree

December 19, 2010 8:39 PM [S.510] A major food safety bill that had almost been given up for dead was suddenly revived in the Senate late on Sunday evening, and may be ready for House approval as early as Tuesday.

In a parliamentary move laid out on the Senate floor by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid just after 7pm, the Senate took the food safety language that was passed as part of a stop-gap budget plan by the House, attached it to another House-passed bill and approved that by unanimous consent.
A Democratic Senate aide told me that Republicans did not object to the plan, even though the bill has garnered fierce opposition in some GOP quarters.

The move was a surprise, as it seemed like the Food Safety bill was going to die in the waning days of this year, despite strong support in both the House and Senate.

The bill almost went down the drain originally because of an elementary mistake by Senate Democrats, who added revenue provisions to a measure that originated in the Senate, despite the Constitutional requirement that all spending and revenue bills start in the House.

The House refused to act directly on that legislation, because of what’s known as a “blue slip” problem.

That problem was solved when the House approved its long-term Continuing Resolution last week, which included the language of the Senate-passed food safety bill.

As reported above, the Senate on Sunday night simply took the revised food safety language that was approved by the House in the CR, substituted it to the language of HR 2751, one of the original “Cash for Clunkers” bills from last year, and approved it by unanimous consent.

That move will fix any Constitutional issues, because the plan originated in the House as part of the CR, and by using a bill that was already approved by the House, the Cash for Clunkers bill.

Before you start screaming about that – the food safety language replaces the Cash for Clunkers language in the amended version of HR 2751.

I was told that the food safety bill should be up for a vote as soon as Tuesday in the House.





  近幾年來,美國連續發生多起食品污染事件,給政府和民眾帶來巨大損失。其中,五大召回事件更是引起美國政府的高度關注。2006年,加州Nunes公司宣布自主召回綠葉生菜﹔2007年8月,由於污染物抽樣檢測呈陽性,加利福尼亞州生產商Metz Fresh LLC宣布召回新鮮袋裝菠菜﹔2008年2月,美國農業部下令加州韋斯特蘭肉食品公司召回1.43億磅牛肉,這相當於該公司整整兩年的牛肉產量﹔2009年12月,美國食品與藥物管理局下令佐治亞州西爾威斯特市的ConAgra公司召回花生醬產品﹔2010年8月,由於可能存在沙門氏菌污染,美國愛荷華州高爾特市賴特郡的農場主動宣布召回配送至加利福尼亞 、伊利諾伊等州經銷商的大量雞蛋。另外,據不完全統計,每年美國政府都會因為食品安全問題引發的多種疾病而支出高達近1520億美元的費用。而新法案將會給食品與藥物管理局更多的權力來控制此類事情的再次發生。


