H.A.A.R.P causing earthquakes and volcano's
posted on 28-5-2010 @ 06:09 PM
Volcanic Ash Receiving Electric Charge; “Atmospheric Electricity and Normal Weather Activity” Probably Not the Source
May 28th, 2010
Via: National Geographic:
The ash plume from Iceland’s Eyjafjallajökull volcano, which crippled international air travel in April, held a shocking secret: an unexpected electric charge.
Ash plumes directly over erupting volcanoes have been known to generate lightning, and electrically charged ash has been found in previous plumes up to 30 miles (50 kilometers) from their source volcanoes.
灰羽狀物直接在爆發火山之上,已被知道產生閃電,和帶電的火山灰已被發現在以前的羽從源頭火山達 30哩(50公里)。
But according to a new study, electric ash from the Eyjafjallajökull volcano was found a record 745 miles (1,200 kilometers) away from the eruption.
At that distance, it wasn’t energy from the eruption itself that charged the ash, said study co-author Giles Harrison, a meteorologist at the University of Reading in the U.K. Based on the average size and shape of particles in the ash, “any initial charging that occurred would have decayed away many times over.”
In fact, ash from deep in the volcanic plume was still charged 32 hours after being spewed from the Iceland peak, which suggests that the charge was self-renewing, the scientists say.
The discovery means that many volcanic ash plumes might be electrified, which could have implications for the air-travel industry.
Electric Ash Deep in Volcanic PlumeThe Eyjafjallajökull volcano started erupting in late March, and on April 14 the volcano began belching out a gigantic plume of ash.
The plume traveled to continental Europe, grounding flights around the world for days, due to fears of ash clogging plane engines.
As the plume drifted over Scotland, Harrison and colleagues rushed to the western port city of Stranraer (map), where the 1,970-foot-thick (600-meter-thick) layer of ash loomed about two and a half miles (four kilometers) above.
The team launched a custom weather balloon outfitted with instruments to gauge the size and characteristics of atmospheric ash particles.
Even in fair weather, a very small electric field is present in Earth’s atmosphere. This field can charge airborne particles and the edges of clouds, Harrison said.
But the electric volcanic ash was found in the middle of the thick plume, not on its edges. That would seem to rule out atmospheric electricity and normal weather activity as sources of the charge.
“There has to be something related to the particles themselves, because the charge is in proportion to where the particles are and how many there are,” Harrison said. “But we really can’t say any more than that.”
Prior research done with weather balloons had shown that desert dust storms can become electrified through a process of particle collision that is not yet completely understood. The same phenomenon may be at work with volcanic ash, the scientists suggest.
How Electric Ash Affects Flights
Electrified ash could theoretically pose a risk to air traffic, because charged particles might interfere with radio transmissions, the study authors say. Also, if charged ash penetrates an aircraft cabin, it could create an electrostatic hazard to passengers and internal systems.
But Harrison noted that aircraft are built to withstand lightning strikes, which carry comparatively massive charges, so the risks from electricity in ash seem small. (Related: “Gamma Rays a Flight Risk?”)
In fact, Harrison noted, the discovery of electric ash could be a boon to air travelers, because the charge can help scientists better predict a volcanic ash plume’s movements.
Electric charges are fairly easy to observe with existing instruments, so a charged plume should be easier to track, even after the visible plume has largely dispersed.
Scientists also know how charges affect the way particles combine—which impacts their weight and thus their movements—and how easily particles are washed out of the sky by rainfall.
Measuring a plume’s charges could therefore help scientists better estimate where the ash will go and how long it will stay aloft.
Iceland Volcano Ash Plume Electrified2010 05 28

Eyjafjallajakull first began pumping volcanic ash into the atmosphere on March 20. The spread of the plume across Europe hampered air travel for days and created fiery red sunsets.


羽狀火山灰和水蒸氣上升自埃亞菲亞德拉冰蓋火山,在2010年5月10日達到 17,000至20,000呎(5至6公里)大氣層,當時美國宇航局Aqua衛星的中解像光譜儀(MODIS)拍攝這圖片。讚:傑夫施米爾茲,MODIS衛星快速反應小組在美國宇航局戈達德空間飛行中心
Their balloons, originally designed and used to study the properties of desert dust clouds, are able to assess not only the size of particles suspended in the atmosphere - such as volcanic ash - but also the electric charge present, which can be important to know when evaluating a plume’s threat to aircraft.
"Detailed volcanic plume properties, such as the particle size, concentration and charge found by our weather balloon are important in predicting the impact on aircraft," Harrison said.
Lightning seen in the plume from Eyjafjallajakull is also attributed to electrical charges generated in the plume from particles rubbing together.
Measurements made last year with the balloons in Kuwait and off the west coast of Africa showed clearly that desert dust could become strongly electrified aloft.
When particles in the atmosphere become charged, it can change how effectively they grow in size or are washed out by rain.
When Eyjafjallajakull erupted, a team of scientists was quickly assembled and travelled to a site near Stranraer in Scotland where a balloon was launched. The balloon detected a layer of volcanic ash about 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) above the ground, about 1,970 feet (600 meters) thick, with very abrupt upper and lower edges.
The charge detected by the balloon was deep inside the plume, not along the edges. This is contradictory to what would be expected from the normal weather-induced charging of cloud layers.
From their measurements, the researchers conclude that neither energy from the volcanic source - more than 745 miles (1,200 km) away - nor weather conditions could have been responsible for the position of the charge found by the balloon.
Article from: LiveScience.com
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