(商台)2010年5月31日 星期一 13:04
香港大學 研究發現,一種化合物Nucleozin,有效防治流感。負責研究的本港及加拿大 科學家表示,這種化合物可以阻止流感病毒內的核蛋白,進入生物的細胞核,從而防止病毒進行複製,抑制病毒擴散。港大醫學院微生物學系系主任袁國勇說,要等進一步臨床驗證成功,及視乎藥廠的投資,才可製成藥物。
研究人員開步找' 萬能 '流感疫苗
Researchers take step to 'universal' flu vaccine
Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor
Tue May 25, 2010 5:32pm EDT

(Reuters) - A "headless" version of the influenza virus protected mice from several different strains of flu and may offer a step toward a so-called universal flu vaccine, researchers reported on Tuesday.
(路透社) - 一個流感病毒的“無頭”版從幾個不同菌株的流感保護小鼠,有可能帶來一步走向所謂的萬能流感疫苗,研究人員週二報導。
They identified a piece of the virus that appears to be the same even among mutated strains, and found a way to make it into a vaccine.
Years of work lie ahead but if it works in people the way it worked in mice, the new vaccine might transform the way people are now immunized against influenza, the team at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York reported.
"We now report progress toward the goal of an influenza virus vaccine which would protect against multiple strains," Dr. Peter Palese, Dr. Adolfo Garcia-Sastre and colleagues report in a new journal mBio, available here
"Current influenza vaccines are effective against only a narrow range of influenza virus strains. It is for this reason that new vaccines must be generated and administered each year."
Flu viruses mutate constantly and each year a cocktail of three flu vaccines is tweaked to try and hit the most common new mutations. Every few decades a new pandemic strain emerges -- a year ago the new H1N1 swine flu strain started a pandemic and it has been added to the seasonal flu vaccine mix.
It takes months to make a new flu vaccine and governments and commercial drug companies struggled to get the new H1N1 vaccine out by last September. Having a universal flu vaccine could, in theory, prevent future pandemics and keep seasonal flu under better control.