


Small Irish town engages in financial warfare with globalists

Tuesday, 25 May 2010 15:11

A group of people in the small Irish town of Tralee in Kerry have relaunched their own regional currency, the Li, in order to facilitate the trading of goods and services.
一羣在愛爾蘭克里的特拉利小鎮的人,已重新啟動他們自己的地區性貨幣 - 黎(Li),以圖促進商品和服務的貿易。
40 people have launched the trading network based around the Li in order to escape the deflationary effects of the policies of the Irish government, which involve the transfer of billions of taxpayer euros to the Irish banks in the form of bank bailouts, interest payments on the national debt (created to pay for the bank bailouts and stimulus packages), while slashing the national budget, so leaving ever smaller quantities of euros in circulation for the real economy, making a Great Depression 2 inevitable, and allowing the banks to buy up a large part of Ireland for a snap.
40人已推出以黎作基礎的交易網絡,以圖擺脫愛爾蘭政府政策的通貨緊縮影響,它涉及納稅人數十億歐元以救助的形式轉讓給愛爾蘭銀行,國家債務的利息支付(被創造以支付銀行救助和刺激計劃),儘管要削減國家預算,因此留下有史以來更小數量的歐元流通在實體經濟中,使大蕭條 2不可避免,並允許銀行購買起一大部分的愛爾蘭。


Local Exchange Trading System

Allows access to goods and services without cash payment
Encourages enterprise
Encourages social inclusion
Improves standard of living
Helps local economy
Provides the opportunity to learn new skills

How Does it Work?

Any member may access goods and services offered by other members.

These are paid for in ‘Lí’ – our own currency.

Unlike Local Currencies Lí are only available to members and may not be exchanged for cash.

People often say ‘I don’t have anything to offer’.

Most people can walk a dog, water plants or house-sit.

L.E.T.S. encourages people to value their time and skills and to use them to help other members.

For more information or to join Meitheal Bhréannain phone:

Joe on 066 7126112 or Christine on 086 1939217


