Von Braun:光明會計劃外星人騙局
Von Braun: Illuminati Plan For E.T. DeceptionMay 26, 2010
by L.C. Vincent
(for henrymakow.com)
Dr. Wernher von Braun,left, the head of the Nazi rocket program, was brought to America after the war because our government considered his knowledge and expertise too vital to fall into enemy hands.

Dr. von Braun brought a wealth of information gleaned from other top Nazi scientists like his boss, SS General Hans Kammler. Von Braun was privy to work on anti gravity propulsion vehicles. With access to NASA's secret programs, von Braun apparently began to see the "big picture" regarding the true goals of America's space program and how the military-industrial complex was manipulating it according to a secret, hidden agenda.
Dr. Carol Rosin was an industry executive when she first met Dr. Wernher von Braun in February 1974. At this time, before his death in 1977, von Braun confided to Dr. Rosin NASA's hidden agenda.
Inviting her into his office, Von Braun stunned Dr. Rosin by explaining that it was all leading to planetary control under an oppressive One World Government.
According to Dr. Rosin, (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaTgOSHbBEI) von Braun then gave her one supreme assignment: He said a secretive trans-national power, already in existence, would move to permanently take control of this planet thru a hoaxed alien invasion from outer space.
According to von Braun, space based weapons, later known as the "Star Wars" program, were to be promoted as a "shield" against the Russians. Then, as a defense against 'rogue' nations. Then, as protection against asteroids and meteors. Finally they would be presented as a safeguard against an extraterrestrial threat.
According to von Braun, all of these rationales would be lies. These space based weapons would be useless against nuclear suitcase bombs available even in 1974, as well as chemical, viral, bacterial and biological terror weapons.
More importantly, von Braun told Rosin that we already had the technology to build anti gravity vehicles and entire transportation systems which did not require so-called 'fossil' fuels. Instead, they used "beams" of energy, eliminating all pollution.
If space-based weapons technologies are not being developed to protect the U.S. and its allies, why are they being developed? Could resistors, whether nation-states or isolated groups opposed to the coming New World Order, be singled out and eliminated?
Another possibility is that such space-based weapons will be part of the "smoke and mirrors" light show designed for use in "Project Blue Beam" with its false, projected presentation of an alien invasion.
According to Dr. Steven Greer, the head of the "Disclosure Project," "....the prospect that a shadowy, para-governmental and transnational entity exists that has kept UFO's secret -- and is planning a deception that will dwarf the events of 9/11..." This is a scenario that more people within the depths of our government have begun to reveal.
據"披露項目”的頭頭史蒂芬格里爾博士"....前景,一個陰暗的、準政府和跨國際的實體存在,已使UFO的秘密得以保持 - 並計劃一宗欺騙,它將使9 / 11的 事件顯得矮小...“這是一個場景,更多在我們政府深層的人已經開始揭露。
Dr. Greer writes: "Since 1992 I have seen this script unveiled to me by at least a dozen well-placed insiders. Of course, initially I laughed, thinking this just too absurd and far-fetched.... and yet others told me explicitly that things that looked like UFOs, but that are built and under the control of deeply secretive ´black´ projects, were being used to simulate - hoax - ET-appearing events, including some abductions and cattle mutilations, to sow the early seeds of cultural fear regarding life in outer space. And that at some point after global terrorism, events would unfold that would utilize the now-revealed Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARVs, or reversed-engineered UFOs made by humans by studying actual ET craft) to hoax an attack on Earth."
The goal of this hoaxed space alien invasion was simple: Create a common enemy and drive all nations to submit to a One World Government. And in Dr. Greer's words: "...to justify eventually spending trillions on space weapons... thus uniting the world in fear, in militarism and war."
Greer claims that Hollywood movies have been deliberately implanting a fear of ET's: "...this mental conditioning to fear ET has been subtly reinforced for decades, in preparation for future deceptions...The Plan is to eventually create a new, sustainable, off-planet enemy..."
格里爾宣稱,好萊塢電影已經被故意植入外星人的恐懼:“...這種心靈調節去害怕外星人,被巧妙地增強已經數十年,以為未來騙局做準備 ...計劃是最終建立一個新的、可持續的、離地球的敵人 ...“
The possibility of an "off planet" space fleet was given even more credence recently when a young Scottish hacker by the name of Gary McKinnon recently broke into the Pentagon's computers and reputedly came up the names of some of our "off-world" U.S. space fleet (identified under the abbreviation: USSS), two specific space ships, (the USSS LeMay and the USSS Hillenkoetter), and the names of the various crews, their ranks, and transfer assignments between various "off Earth" space ships.
This computer security breach so enraged the brass at the Pentagon that the U.S. Government is currently seeking to extradite McKinnon from the U.K. to face charges of computer hacking with a punishment of LIFE IN PRISON! Certainly this is one way to permanently silence an embarrassing discoverer of forbidden information.
Now that we know Illuminati plans, we can prepare for the greatest deception in human history by warning others, and deciding how we might deal with a hoaxed space-alien invasion scenario.
NASA's Project blue beam - NWO - (PART 1 of 2)
美國宇航局的藍光束項目 - 新世界秩序 - (2之第1)
西元2008年05月24日 中文字幕
NASA's Project blue beam - NWO - (PART 2 of 2)
美國宇航局的藍光束項目 - 新世界秩序 - (2之第2)
西元2008年05月24日 中文字幕
ILLUMINATI The Blue Beam Project Top Secret 1
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ILLUMINATI The Blue Beam Project Top Secret 2
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