基督徒- 猶太复國主義的有用蠢材
Christians- Zionism’s Useful Idiots
May 23, 2010
by pakalert
By Tim Campbell
You know the imagery– millions of Christians around the world have spontaneously disappeared - where did they go? Some say aliens, others terrorists. Now airplanes are plummeting to destruction, trains derailing, cars crashing, nuclear power plants are melting down and dumbfounded people staggering around in confusion looking for their children… Who unleashed this insanity on mankind?
你知道的意象 - 世界上數以百萬計的基督徒已自發地消失 - 他們去了哪裡?有人說外星人,其他人說恐怖分子。現在飛機墜下到毀滅、火車出軌、汽車碰撞、核電廠正在熔毀、目瞪口呆的人周圍蹣跚在混亂中尋找他們的孩子 ...是誰在人類中造成這種瘋狂?
My brother, who is an atheist, and I were watching TBN a while back and happened upon these images from Kirk Cameron’s blockbuster film, Left Behind. There were no shortages of side-splitting laughs.
The false ideas put forward in most movies and books pertaining to end-times Biblical prophecy appear to most as sheer unadulterated religious stupidity but to the majority of protestant Christians particularly, in America, they are both real and imminent.
Illuminist propaganda concerning the return of Jesus Christ occupies a central part in a vast structure of deception that will govern Christian minds when some Great Tribulation actually does occur.
C.I. Scofield’s Dispensationalism provides the theological framework for the Christian Zionist movement. Christian Zionism is an important subset of the Christian Dominionist movement, all of which is also being co-opted by Illuminists. These Christians are the ultimate useful idiots… I stagger to communicate what is coming to Christendom in the future.
The expectation of a false rapture event will be brought to a feverish boil through massive disinformation campaigns as general distress increases over the next decade.
This madness will then be satiated through a pseudo-rapture simulation, something that will trigger the mass hysteria. We see a prototype of this in the particular elements of the Blue Beam project.
This rapture event will be an attempt to bring Christians Dominionists on side for King Zion, Lord Maitreya, or the man of sin. A global false worship and initiation rite will be used to lock Christians into a frame of reference that they won’t easily escape from, then the mark…
The Scofield Bible heralds the coming kingdom of the Jews in which God’s Chosen People shall reign over all the earth. Scofield, a notorious criminal who popularized dispensational theology, is revered by many Christian evangelicals. Everywhere that evangelism in America goes, these lies will most surely follow. That is unfortunate, but it is by design.
斯科菲爾德聖經預示著來臨中的猶太人王國,在內上帝的選民將統治全地球。斯科菲爾德是一個臭名昭著的罪犯,他推廣 時代論的神學,被許多基督教福音派尊崇。在美國每一處那福音派去到,這些謊話將肯定會隨之而來,不幸地它是經過設計的。
While part of the Lotus Club in New York during the late 19th century, Scofield was brought under the domain of Zionists by Samuel Untermeyer, an illuminist. Untermeyer and other key Zionist’s recognized within Scofield’s theology a very powerful weapon for their cause… and it has flourished in its acceptance until this day. Dispensational theology is a major contributor in the founding and continuance of the current Jewish state.
雖然紐約蓮花俱樂部的部分在19世紀末期,斯科菲爾德被一名光明會員塞繆爾昂特邁耶帶至猶太复國主義者的麾下。昂特邁耶和其他關鍵的猶太复國主義者認許到,為他們的理由斯科菲爾德的神學是一非常有力的武器...而且它已在它的接受中興旺直到這一天。 時代論的神學是一個主要因素在成立和延續目前的猶太國家。
Untermeyer later became chairman of the Anti-Nazi league, American Jewish Committee and American League of Jewish Patriots. He blackmailed President Wilson into placing Louis Dombitz Brandeis into a vacant seat on the Supreme Court. In 1933, on WABC, he declared war on Germany and described Jews as the aristocrats of the world.
昂特邁耶後來成為反納粹聯盟、美國猶太人委員會和美國猶太愛國者聯盟的主席。他勒索威爾遜總統在最高法院的一個空座位上擺上路易斯Dombitz布蘭代斯。 在1933年,在WABC上,他對德國宣戰並形容猶太人為世界的貴族。
Untermeyer brought Scofield into correspondence with many important Zionist leaders of the day like Jacob Schiff, Bernard Baruch and Samuel Gompers to name a few. They were his handlers and funders.
昂特邁耶帶 斯科菲爾德與許多當日重要的猶太复國主義領導人通信,僅舉幾例像雅各夫,伯納德巴魯克和塞繆爾龔帕斯,他們是他的處理者和資助者。
Dispensationalism and its attendant false ideas like the pre-tribulation rapture is probably the most pestilent propaganda being promoted today. The ultimate purpose of these teachings will lead the masses to destruction in the future through a false worship type of event.
This said, the doctrine has many more detrimental immediate consequences. Its exponents find refuge in the comfort of not having to participate in the future affairs of mankind. Potent deceptions surround the Christian Zionist movement and Dispensationalism - dig here; there is no end to what you will uncover.
示威者踩場 全球禱告日爆衝突 工作人員被指邊喊「耶穌愛你」邊推人
(明報)2010年5月24日 星期一 05:10

記者受傷 主辦單位:未確認身分致誤會
「全城更新」昨晚發表聲明,指有參加者在場內示威,不遵守大會的守則及指引,影響正常程序,大會義工嘗試勸止期間,有部分傳媒上前拍照,混亂當中大會義工未能確認記者身分而引致誤會,對此深感遺憾及抱歉。祈禱會主持之一馬時亨 指出,由於預早已知有人會在昨日的祈禱會上搞事,因此大會動員了一批義工負責保安。由於他們並非專業「保安」,所以最終還是跟記者發生衝擊。他形容事件是一場誤會,有關人員已向記者道歉。至於大會事後報警,是想事件得到一個公正處理。
「快必」被拒入場 派單張遭收回
由於同盟事先張揚會「踩場」,大會昨日嚴陣以待,見同盟成員在場外派發宣傳單 張,即以單張並非大會派發為由,向進場人士收回單張,而6、7名成員包括林子健及「快必」(譚得志),則被大會拒絕入場。譚表示,工作人員告訴他昨日是私人聚會,大會不歡迎個別人士進場。
馬時亨妻主辦 赴南非未出席
(明報)2010年5月24日 星期一 05:10
【明報專訊】「全球禱告日」由南非基督徒商人Graham Power在2001年創辦,並於2005年開始推廣至世界各地,為期5年,每年有200多個國家參與。自2005年開始,香港的「全球禱告日」由馬時亨 太太馬王培琪領導的「全城更新」舉辦,今年是最後一年,昨日共有1.6萬人參加聚會。
由於今年馬王培琪獲邀到南非出席基督徒領袖聚會,昨天未有出席,由馬時亨代表出席致開幕辭。去年有不少官員出席「全球禱告日」,例如律政司 長黃仁龍 及保安局 長李少光 等,但今年大會稱官員只會以私人名義出席,不會公開在台上發言。
藍光束項目 -實時全息圖;UFO外星人;耶穌再臨