
中東旅遊酒店鬥豪鬥金碧輝煌的競賽,進入了新階段。阿聯酋阿布扎比號稱八星級的酋長皇宮酒店( Emirates Palace),前日(周三)引入了德國的自動賣金機,讓酒店客人隨時買金。
賣金機外形像自動櫃員機和郵票售賣機,售賣重達 10克小金條或特別鑄造金幣,售價按即時金價調節。遊客可買金保值或當紀念品手信。
賣金機的概念,是德國企業家蓋斯勒想出來,去年在法蘭克福機場客運大樓試用。他說,這是「 Gold to Go」賣金機首次衝出世界,選阿布扎比為落腳點,是因為當地一向以豪氣聞名於世,而且波斯灣地區的人,喜愛買黃金。
Ultimate vending machine dispenses gold for cash (surprise, surprise it's located in Abu Dhabi hotel)
By Mail Foreign Service
Last updated at 5:47 PM on 13th May 2010
It's the ultimate hole-in-the-wall - a money machine that dispenses pure gold.
But installed beneath the gold-coated ceilings of Abu Dhabi's Emirates Palace hotel, where royalty and billionaires come for cappuccinos topped with gold flakes, the machine almost seems part of the furniture.
'The reason we chose Emirates Palace is because it really fits with the surroundings here,' said German entrepreneur Thomas Geissler, creator of the 'Gold to Go' brand and chief executive of Ex Oriente Lux.

The exterior of the machine is coated with a thin layer of gold and offers customers 320 items to choose from, ranging from gold bars that can weigh up to 10 grams, to customised gold coins.
'All the gold is imported from Germany, and soon we will have a customized gold bar with a print of the Emirates Palace logo, which will be a nice souvenir for guests to take home,' said Geissler.
Through a computer system, the ATM gold machine updates the gold price every 10 minutes to match international markets.
For now, it takes notes of the local dirham currency, but the option of using credit cards will soon be introduced.
A 10-gram gold ingot which he purchased from the "Gold to Go" vending machine. The well-heeled in the Gulf can now grab gold from a hotel lobby in the UAE
The cash-for-gold machines were first tested in Germany in 2009, but Geissler chose Abu Dhabi for the official launch of his invention because of the region's high demand for gold.
'On the first night we had a lot of demand,' he said. 'One customer even bought one item of every product we have.'
Geissler's timing is spot-on, as investors flock to gold as a safe haven from economic turbulence.
On Thursday, gold priced in sterling and euros reached record highs, while that priced in the more usual dollar denomination was quoted at $1,236 an ounce, with dealers expecting it to reach fresh highs over coming days. Thomas Geissler the CEO of Oriente Lux, left, and an Emirati official remove the cover of the ATM-style kiosk
人民網5月18日電 據英國《每日郵報》報道,圖中這台鑲嵌在牆壁裡的機器是用來出售純金的搖錢樹。它安裝在阿布扎比酋長皇宮酒店鍍金天花板下面,幾乎與周圍的裝飾融為一體。
“我們之所以選擇酋長皇宮是因為它與周圍的環境很匹配,”德國企業家托馬斯蓋斯勒說,他是黃金自動售賣機的發明者,Ex Oriente Lux(意為光明來自東方)公司CEO。