


人造生命研究的批評者,指這技術的最大憂慮,是會用來製造終極生物武器,實驗室一時不慎讓這些人造細菌病毒外洩,隨時釀成幾百萬人死亡的瘟疫浩劫,就像韋史密夫主演電影《魔間傳奇》( I Am Legend)那樣。
牛津大學教授瑟武列斯庫警告:「這技術未來可用來炮製想像中最威力強大的生物武器。」加拿大國際科技監察組織 ETC集團幹事托馬斯亦表示,人造生命有可能逃出實驗室,成為生物武器,威脅大自然的生物多樣性。

科學家克雷格文特爾第一次在實驗室創造生命,引發關於扮演 '上帝' 的辯論
Scientist Craig Venter creates life for first time in laboratory sparking debate about 'playing god'
Artificial life has been created in a laboratory for the first time by a maverick scientist.
By Richard Alleyne, Science Correspondent
Published: 6:00PM BST 20 May 2010

Dr Craig Venter, a multi-millionaire pioneer in genetics, and his team have managed to make a completely new "synthetic" life form from a mix of chemicals.

They manufactured a new chromosome from artificial DNA in a test tube, then transferred it into an empty cell and watched it multiply – the very definition of being alive.

The man-made single cell "creature", which is a modified version of one of the simplest bacteria on earth, proves that the technology works.

Now Dr Venter believes organism, nicknamed Synthia, will pave the way for more complex creatures that can transform environmental waste into clean fuel, vaccinate against disease and soak up pollution.

But his development has also triggered debate over the ethics of "playing god" and the dangers of the new technology could pose in terms of biological hazards and warfare.

"We are entering an era limited only by our imagination," he said announcing the research published in the journal Science.

Dr Venter, a pioneer of genetic code sequencing and his team at the J Craig Venter Institute in Rockville, Maryland, have been chasing the goal for more than 15 years at a cost of £30m.

First they sequenced the genetic code of Mycoplasma genitalium, the world's smallest bacteria that lives in cattle and goats, and stored the information on a computer.

Then they used the computer code to artificially reproduce the DNA in the laboratory, slightly modifying it with a "watermark" so it was distinguishable from the original natural one.

Finally they developed a technique of stripping bacteria cells of all original DNA and substituting it with the new artificial code.

The resulting "synthetic cell" was then "rebooted" and it started to replicate. The ability to reproduce or replicate is considered the basic definition of life.

Dr Venter compared his work with the building of a computer. Making the artificial DNA was the equivalent of creating the software for the operating system. Transferring it to a cell was like loading it into the hardware and running the programme.

"This is the first synthetic cell that's been made, and we call it synthetic because the cell is totally derived from a synthetic chromosome, made with four bottles of chemicals on a chemical synthesizer, starting with information in a computer," said Dr Venter.

"This becomes a very powerful tool for trying to design what we want biology to do. We have a wide range of applications [in mind]," he said.

The researchers are planning to design algae that can capture carbon dioxide and make new hydrocarbons that could go into refineries.

They are also working on ways to speed up vaccine production, making new chemicals or food ingredients and cleaning up water, said Dr Venter.

While a major technological leap forward the life form is still incredibly simple in natural terms. Its DNA is made up of 485 genes, each strand of which is made up of one million base pairs, the equivalent of rungs on a ladder.

A human genome has 20,000 genes and three billion base pairs.

Nevertheless it is the beginning of the process that could lead to creation of much more complicated species, and into a world of artificial animals and people only envisaged in films such as Ridley Scott's Bladerunner and Steven Spielberg's Artificial Intelligence.

Professor Julian Savulescu, an expert in Practical Ethics at the University of Oxford, said: “Venter is creaking open the most profound door in humanity’s history, potentially peeking into its destiny.

"He is going toward the role of a god: creating artificial life that could never have existed naturally.

"The potential is in the far future, but real and significant: dealing with pollution, new energy sources, new forms of communication. But the risks are also unparalleled.

"We need new standards of safety evaluation for this kind of radical research and protections from military or terrorist misuse and abuse.

"These could be used in the future to make the most powerful bioweapons imaginable."

Dr David King, director of the watchdog Human Genetics Alert, said: “What is really dangerous is these scientists’ ambitions for total and unrestrained control over nature, which many people describe as ‘playing God’.

“Scientists’ understanding of biology falls far short of their technical capabilities. We have already learnt to our cost the risks that gap brings, for the environment, animal welfare and human health.”

Dr Venter has called for reviews so that debate keeps up with the science.

He said: "It's part of an ongoing process that we've been driving, trying to make sure that the science proceeds in an ethical fashion, that we're being thoughtful about what we do and looking forward to the implications to the future."



Scientists create artificial life: World first as genome pioneer makes designer microbe from scratch
By Fiona Macrae
This picture shows the colonies of the artificial lifeform nicknamed 'Synthia'






更新時間 2010年 5月 20日, 格林尼治標準時間21:28



史無前例 人造細菌問世
(法新社)2010年5月21日 星期五 09:35
(法新社華盛頓 20日電) 美國 研究人員研發出第1個由合成基因組控制、可自行複製的細菌細胞,這項突破引發在試管再造生命的相關新議題。

研究主持人范特爾(Craig Venter)公布持續15年的研究,他說:「這是第1個人造的合成細胞。」






這項研究由范特爾(J. Craig Venter Institute)進行,成果刊載在「科學」(Science)期刊。(譯者:中央社林仟懿)

Craig Venter - Creating Artificial Life
Craig Venter -創造人工生命

可用作清理油污 生產疫苗

人類創造人工生命的大門,終於打開。美國科學家宣佈在研製人造生命取得突破,成功製造出世界首個合成細胞,將實驗室全人工合成的細菌脫氧核糖核酸( DNA),移植進另一細胞「借屍還魂」。科學家指踏出這一步後,人類他日可設計和製造有特別用途的生物,開拓新世界造福人群,但亦有人擔心會製造出科學怪人般的人造生物。

「我們進入了一個新時代,一個想像有多大、極限就有多大的年代。」破譯人類基因組圖譜先驅文特爾( J. Craig Venter),前天(周四)宣佈這震動科學界的突破:「這是首個人造的合成細胞,而地球上首個會自我複製的物種的父母,就是電腦。」

文特爾的研究小組花了 15年和耗資 4,000萬美元( 3.12億港元)才取得今次科學突破。他們之前成功將天然的細菌基因組,移植進另一細胞「鵲巢鳩佔」,又曾人工合成細菌的整個基因組,他們在新實驗將這兩項成果二合為一。
這人造生命的藍本,是一種常令山羊受感染的黴漿菌( Mycoplasma),只有一條染色體,共 850個基因,比人類的 20,000個基因簡單得多。研究員根據電腦儲存的細菌基因組圖譜,用四樽 DNA四大鹼基化合物和化學合成器,將細菌的 108萬對鹼基對逐一合成,組成 DNA和基因組。
研究員跟着將合成基因組,移植進另一近親品種黴漿菌的細胞內,等待這合成細胞分裂。他們此時遇上波折,細胞完全沒有動靜,經三個月全面覆核才發現原來其中一個基因編碼出錯,更正後細胞終於動了,受體細胞開始製造植入者的蛋白質,並分裂繁衍,文特爾稱呼新細菌為「合成菌」( Synthia)。
文特爾以電腦作比喻,指合成 DNA本身就像軟件程式那樣,本身不會做何事,但載入到另一細胞後,就可將細胞變成另一物種。他說這只屬一小步,卻很重要:「我們所製造的不是萬能的神奇細胞,而是證明概念可行,證明這概念不是猜想和科幻。這帶領我們越過邊界,跨進一個新世界。」
文特爾的新世界和終極目標,就是設計一種加入了合成 DNA的,並利用這些「細菌工廠」,生產有特別用途的人工生物。他最想製造的,是可製造潔淨生物燃料的細菌,以及可從大氣吸走二氧化碳以減全球暖化的細菌,還有可吸收油污的微生物,或者可大量製造禽流感疫苗等藥物的微生物。

1)將感染山羊(小圖)的黴漿菌整個基因組破譯,把 DNA編碼存入電腦
2)在實驗室準備四樽化合物,分別是 ATGC這四種 DNA鹼基
3)化學合成器根據電腦儲存的 DNA圖譜排序,將代表不同 DNA編碼的鹼基放進酵母縫合,人工合成原來的 DNA
4)人工 DNA移植進受體細菌內,生長分裂成兩個子細胞,一個有人工 DNA,另一個有天然 DNA
5)培養皿內的抗生素,殺死有天然 DNA的細菌,剩下有人工 DNA的細菌滋生繁殖
6)幾小時繁殖後,受體細菌所有殘迹都消失,全換上人工 DNA細菌的特徵,新細菌稱之為「合成菌」



美誕生首個人造單細胞生物 滬專家態度謹慎
