


Polish Military: Crash Site Video Authentic

Investigation of popular Rastych video confirms amateur footage real

censoredbydigg (Translation)
Source: se.pl
Thursday, May 6, 2010

During a recent press conference the Military Prosecutor’s Office informed of new findings in the investigation into the presidential plane crash. It turns out that the amateur video of the crash site is authentic, and onboard the aircraft there could be up to five black boxes.
在最近的新聞發布會上,軍事檢察官辦公室就總統專機墜毀新的調查結果作出通知。結果墜機地點的業餘視頻是真實的,和飛機上可能有多達 5個黑盒。
They have so far claimed four, but five black boxes were on board the TU-154, which crashed on April 10 near Smolensk. The most recently found box is already in Poland, and is being tested by experts from the Institute of Military Technology. We still do not know what time the crash occurred, or what was its cause. The precise time of the Smolensk disaster is still unknown. It is known that fuel was sufficient, and that the investigation has already interviewed sixty witnesses, according to the District Military Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw.
至今他們聲稱 4個,但5個黑匣是在4月10日在斯摩棱斯克附近墜毀的TU - 154上,最近期發現的盒已在波蘭,正由軍事技術學院專家測試。我們仍然不知道事故發生在什麼時候,或什麼原因,斯摩棱斯克災難的確切時間仍是未知之數。據了解燃料是充足的,而調查已經面談60名證人,根據華沙地區軍事檢察官辦公室。
See also: Black Box Reveals the Truth

During a special press conference investigators also confirmed that the video of the crash site was not manipulated, and may also contain authentic audio. We were informed that the Military District Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw is continuing the investigation – examining witnesses and analyzing documents related to the flight.
在一個特別的記者招待會,調查人員亦證實,在墜機現場的視頻並沒有被操縱,和亦可能包含真實的聲音。我們被告知華沙軍區檢察官辦公室在正在繼續調查 - 檢查證人和分析相關的航班文件。

Polish plane crash videos are authentic

Saturday, 08 May 2010 14:55

Amateur video footage of the crash site of the Tupolev plane in Smolensk is authentic, Polish officials have said.
The plane crash on April 10th killed the Polish President Lech Kaczynski, the two opposing presidential candidates, the central bank governor, all the top army chiefs and the national security chief.

Video footage taken by Polish journalist Slawomir Wisniewski and the Ukrainian journalist Adrij Mendierej shortly after the crash and before the first responders arrived shows no signs of bodies or parts of bodies, bringing into question the official version.

In addition, figures and shots that can be heard on one video clip suugest that secret service personnel killed the four crew members on the plane.

An audio clip of the pilot's communication with an air traffic controller also suggests that there were only four people on the doomed Tupolev.

The Polish delegation switched planes at the last moment allegedly due to technical problems.

It is not clear what the role the various Polish pilots play in the events surrounding the plane switch and the crash.

The movements and whereabouts of the victims of the alleged palne crash in Warsaw in the morning of April 10th do not yet seem to be well established.

Experts examined the time the footage was taken and the continuity of the footage to establish its authenticity, says Polskaweb.
專家檢查錄像被拍的時間,和畫面的連續性以確定其真實性, Polskaweb說。
The video clips have been viewed millions of times on the internet.
This is a report in Polish:


更清晰數碼錄像及英文字幕 展示波蘭墜機生還者被殺過程


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