Crop circle 'inspired by most beautiful formula in mathematics' appears in Wiltshire
A crop circle thought to be inspired by a formula acclaimed as the most beautiful in all mathematics has appeared on a hillside in Wiltshire.
By Matthew Moore
Published: 5:30PM BST 24 May 2010

The circle, which is more than 300ft in diameter, was cut into a field of oil seed rape by Wilton Windmill at Wilton near Marlborough.
Experts say that the design may be connected to Euler's Identity, a complex formula devised by the 18th Century Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler.
Lucy Pringle, the crop circle researcher who photographed the formation from a helicopter after it appeared in the early hours of Saturday morning, said that each segment of the circle represented an element of the formula.
The pattern of dashes and spaces against each of the lines coming out of the centre forms the binary code for symbols and letters of the alphabet which feature in Euler's Identity, it is claimed.
She said: "This is one of the most profound and complicated equations of the past 2,000 years, and we think the crop circle is some form of visual translation."
The Wilton Windmill pattern is the latest in a long line of mathematical crop circles in Britain. In 2008 a coded image representing the first 10 digits of pi was discovered in a barley field in Wiltshire.
Euler's Identity is admired by mathematicians for linking several fundamental mathematical constants.
Keith Devlin, professor of mathematics at Stanford University in California, said that the formula "reaches down into the very depths of existence ... like a Shakespearean sonnet that captures the very essence of love."
麥田怪圈隱藏'美麗的' 數學公式出現在油菜種子田
Crop circle hiding 'beautiful' maths formula appears in rape seed field
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 6:36 PM on 24th May 2010
An extraordinary crop circle based on the 'world's most beautiful maths theorem' has appeared in a field next to a windmill in Wiltshire.
The complex disc, which measures 300ft across, appeared to the east of Wilton Windmill near Marlborough in a blazing yellow rape seed field.
It appeared on Saturday just 25miles from another circle that popped up a fortnight ago by the Iron Age hill fort of Old Sarum.

Lucy Pringle, a renowned crop circle researcher was puzzled by what appears to be a hidden code based on complex numbers within the shape.
She said: 'I believe it contains binary, a numeral system, or base-2 number system that represents numeric values using two symbols, 0 and 1.
'Working from the centre outwards, people are suggesting it has a connection to Leonhard Euler's theorem e^(i)pi+1=0 which is thought to be one of the most beautiful theorems in mathematics.'
She added that it could even contain a hidden tune.
'Historically over the years, crop circles have been associated with diatonic scales (white notes on the piano),' she said.
'These diatonic scale frequencies are encoded in each segment of the crop circle and can be played on the piano.
'This is a unique formation incorporating both music and mathematics and is similar in importance to the famous 2008 Barbury Castle Pi event.'

There is speculation that the circle represents Leonhard Euler's complex theorem e^(i)pi+1=0
Another crop circle expert said everyone can draw their own conclusions from the circles, adding: 'The thing about maths and the circles is that you are dealing with something which isn't an exact science so one person may decode the circles as having diatonic ratios, the other may find meaning in binary numbers or astrological cycles.
'The only possible explanation which covers all areas would be humans, however this can only be a problematic relationship shared by creaters and researchers since the [UFO] researchers hate the idea that a sense of wonder and optimism is quoshed by the admittance of human involvement.'
Carved out in a barley field, the Barbury Castle crop circle was a pictorial representation of the first ten digits of Pi, one of the most fundamental symbols in mathematics. The image was an example of what is known as a fractal, or geometric pattern.
It was solved by astrophysicist Mike Reed who saw a picture of the crop circle and made the mathematical link.
Crop circle designs have developed from simple circles in the 1970s to pictorial designs in the late 1980s and binary number designers from 2001.

Number's up: The famous Barbury Castle crop circle. The astrophysicist Mike Reed realised it represented the first 10 digits of pi (3.141592654)
數字在上升:著名的巴伯里城堡麥田怪圈。天體物理學家邁克里德認知到它代表 pi 的前10位數字(3.141592654)
這個奇特的麥田怪圈呈復雜的圓形,直徑為300英尺(約合91.44米),5月22日出現在威爾特郡文德米爾(Windmill)以東、馬爾伯勒附近一塊黃油油的油菜籽地中,距兩周前現身於威爾特郡舊塞勒姆“鐵器時代”山城堡遺址的另一個麥田怪圈25英裡(約合40公裡)。著名麥田怪圈研究者露西-普林格爾(Lucy Pringle)發現,最新出現的麥田怪圈看上去就像依照復雜數字組成的密碼。