2 Suns?! Reports flooding in from around the globe!
posted on 12-5-2010
Anyhow, gradually, since the end of last year, more and more stories,videos, and images are pouring in on the web in regards to the appearance of two suns.
I'm already a firm believer in Chemtrails, and realized a while back, that they were trying to hide something... But last week, my own photos have proven this true. Whenever I lay down at night, and hear the jets spraying all night, I know that the next day is going to have a jacked up sky, and that's when they're trying to hide something.
我已經是一個病毒拖曳的堅信者,並有一陣子認知到他們試圖隱藏一些東西 ...但上週,我自己的照片已經證明這是真的。每當晚上我躺下,和聽至到飛機全晚噴灑,我知道第二天將有一個頂起的天空,而那就是當他們試圖隱藏某些東西了。
I will post images here that were taken 1-2 weeks ago in hopes of gathering opinion from you all on what you think it is. These photos DO NOT show "sun-dogs" or "lens glare" In fact, they show the complete opposite! They show two bright sources of light in our skies, even though they are "souped-up" with chemtrails and man-made cloud cover.
我在這裡貼出的圖片是拍於 1-2個星期前,希篁收集意見你們所有人想它是什麼。這些照片並不顯示“太陽狗”或“鏡頭眩光”;事實上,它們顯示出完全相反!它們展出兩個明亮的光源在我們的天空中,即使它們被病毒拖曳和人做雲層“增加效率”。
I also made a video...

For those who DON'T believe in Nibiru...
病毒拖曳:有毒金屬和化學氣霧劑對人類健康的後果 第一部分
Chemtrails: The Consequences of Toxic Metals and Chemical Aerosols on Human Health Part I
by Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri
Global Research,
May 12, 2010
SOHO三部望遠鏡停工 Nibiru謠言四起
魔鬼將現 (上)