Lucifer Rising
Volcanic Smoke, Mayan Contact
by Goro (for &
May 13, 2010
In the 'Year We make Contact'...

Apr 16 Volcano Ash Paralyzes Northern Europe's Airways
Apr 17 Volcanic ash: Europe flights grounded for third day
Apr 17 Volcanic Ash Forces Obama to Cancel Poland Trip
Apr 18 Europe's airlines and airports question flight bans
Apr 18 Poland buries president as ash cloud threatens
Apr 19 Europe moves toward opening some air space
Apr 20 U.K. Airports See Trans-Atlantic Flights Return
Apr 21 Europe's skies returning to normal
Volcano means... Contact.


[Contact via video of Hitler giving speech at Berlin Olympics in film Contact]
[在電影聯絡中透過希特勒在柏林奧運會講話的視頻聯絡 ]
and volcano.
Hence, the Alignment.
由此,一直線。Olympic Opening Ceremony Torino 2006 - Passion lives Here
2006年都靈奧運會開幕式 - 熱情住在這裡
西元2006年07月22日 The god of volcanoes and blacksmiths as well as alchemy, Vulcan is often identified with Tubal-Cain of the Genesis bloodline of Cain theoretically carrying the 'angelic' essence or genes of the Anunnaki/Nephilim/Watchers/Fallen Ones or Lucifer which morphs into the 'Grail bloodline' popularly associated with Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The stuff of The Da Vinci Code...
火山之神和鐵匠以及煉金術(羅馬的火和鍛冶之神),火神是被經常以該隱的創世記血緣Tubal-該隱辨明,理論上帶有'天使'的本質或Anunnaki /菲利姆/看守人 /墮落者或路西弗的基因,它變種進入'聖杯血緣'普遍地與耶穌和馬利亞有關。達芬奇密碼的東西 ...Leonardo da Vinci's birthday April 15 coincided with the start of the Iceland volcano chaos. He's also liked to Turin...
萊昂納多達芬奇的生日4月15日正好碰正冰島火山混亂的開始,他亦被喜歡到都靈 ... Was Turin Shroud faked by Leonardo da Vinci?
The Shroud of Turin went on display for the first time in a decade five days before April 15/volcano.
都靈裹屍布十年來首次展出,4月15日/火山前五天。Apr 10 Turin Shroud goes on display
Pope Benedict XVI was there on May 2nd...
教宗本篤十六世5月2日在那裡 ... May 2 Pope Benedict views Turin shroud
...paying respects to 'Lucifer' - a name originally referring to Venus the Morning Star traditionally symbolized by the pentagram often associated with the Baphomet (inverted pentagram) or a mysterious Templar 'head' sometimes identified with the Turin Shroud.
...付出敬意給'路西法' - 一個名字原本指的是早晨之星金星,傳統由五角星所象徵及往往與 Baphomet(倒五角星)有關,或神秘的聖殿'頭'有時與都靈裹屍布打成一片。
These are interlocking events arising from the underlying idea that...
這些都是相互關聯的事件引起潛在的想法 ... 'Second sun' born at end of 2010: The Year We Make Contact - dubbed 'Lucifer' by Arthur C. Clarke.
'第二個太陽'誕生於 2010年年底:即年我們進行聯絡 - 被阿瑟克拉克稱為'路西弗'。
Lucifer is the pentagram which explains the torrent of pentagrams and (geometrically related) 'V's found encoded in key world events notably earthquakes (see 'Contact via Earthquakes') since last year.
路西法是五角星那解釋五角星的洪流,和(幾何地相關)'V's 被發現編碼在關鍵的世界事件,自去年以來特別是地震(看'通過地震聯絡')。
All roads lead (back) to Rome/Pope. It was the deadly quake near Rome last spring (Apr 6, 2009) that set in place the pentagonal template for the 'Lucifer Birthquakes' ('Big Ones'), i.e. Haiti on January 12 (6th deadliest quake in recorded history), Chile on February 27 (7th strongest quake ever measured), etc. all of which we saw coming (see here, here & here) as part of a 2005-2010 echo pattern inherently anticipating 'repeats' of Sumatra, Pope Shift, Deep Impact, 7/7, Katrina, etc. Sure enough the Big Ones came through the pentagonal stargate, immediately followed by a major 'Pope Shit' echo starting in March 2010...
條條大路通(返)羅馬 /教宗,去年春天(2009年4月6日)那羅馬附近的死亡地震,在五邊形模板較準地方為'路西弗的生日地震'('大的'),即是1月12日海地(歷史記載中的第6最致命地震),智利在2月27日(有史以來量度倒的第七最強地震)等等,它們全部我們視之為(看here, here & here) 2005-2010年的一部份,作為蘇門答臘島、教宗轉移、Deep Impact、 7月7日、Katrrina颶風等的,固有地預料'重複'回聲模式。夠哂肯定大鑊野都來自五邊形星門,即時緊接著一個重大的'教宗的屎'回聲在 2010年3月開始... Mar 09 Pope's brother linked to new claims of child abuse
Mar 12 Pope under fire for transfer, letter on sex abuse
Mar 12 Is the Pope Toast?
Mar 13 Vatican defends Pope in German abuse scandal
Mar 15 Pope's ex-diocese suspends sex-abuse priest
Mar 16 International Probe Targets Secretive Catholic Group
Mar 17 Cardinal apologizes for child abuse 'failures'
Mar 19 Catholic Church's sex abuse scandal goes global
Mar 19 Doctor: Pope's archdiocese ignored my warnings
Mar 19 Fresh abuse claims in Pope's former Munich dioceseMar 20 Pope Benedict apologises for Irish priests' sex abuse
Mar 25 Pope accused of failing to act on sex abuse case
Mar 25 Vatican denies hiding molestation case
Mar 25 Pope Was Told Pedophile Priest Would Get Transfer
Mar 27 For Years, Deaf Boys Tried to Tell of Priest's Abuse
Mar 27 Can a pope resign from office?
Mar 27 Vatican cardinal calls for sex abuse 'housecleaning'
Mar 27 Pope wants 'wiggle room' for 'rape and torture of children' Apr 02 U.S. Catholics urge Vatican reforms
Apr 02 Poll: Americans Losing Faith in Pope
Apr 02 Pope's priest: Abuse flak like anti-Semitism
Apr 03 Outrage at anti-Semitism comparison by Pope preacher
Apr 03 Vatican spends Easter week playing PR defense
Apr 04 Catholic Cardinal rejects sex abuse 'gossip'
Apr 04 At Easter Mass Pope Hailed as "Unfailing"
Apr 09 Pope Benedict hit by new Church child abuse allegations
Apr 10 Vatican defends Pope in paedophile letter row
Apr 12 Bishop 'blames Jews' for criticism of Catholic church
Apr 12 Vatican #2 Links Priest Pedophilia To Homosexuality
Apr 13 Priest calls for pope's resignation
Apr 14 Vatican 'clarifies' cardinal's homosexuality abuse link
Apr 14 Predator priests shuffled around globe
Apr 15 Pope Benedict says Catholic Church must 'do penance'
Apr 19 Sex Abuse Scandal Shadows Pope's 5th Anniversary
Apr 20 Priest abuse scandal grows in Latin America
Apr 21 Pope Benedict promises 'action' on abuse by priests
...immediately followed by the volcanic eruption signaling the Rise of Vulcan-Cain-Grail-Lucifer. 'Contact' now well underway...
...即時緊隨著火山噴發,預示著火神-該隱 -聖杯-路西法的出現, 現在'聯絡'正如火如荼...
As 'Lucifer/Grail' rises, the Church falls. Works like a seesaw.
當'路西法/聖杯'升起,教會下跌,就像一塊翹翹板。The awesome ash cloud was symbolic of a papal conclave smoke rising in St. Peter's Square announcing the birth of a new pope as it did exactly five years ago:
April 16: Ratzinger/Benedict XVI birthday 本篤十六世生日
April 18: Papal election began (2005) 教宗選舉開始(2005)
April 19: Ratzinger/Benedict XVI elected pope 本篤十六世被選
April 24: Benedict XVI inaugurated 本篤十六世正式就任
Apr 15 Volcanic ash shuts air space across Europe
Apr 15 Pope says Catholic Church must 'do penance'
Apr 16 Volcano flight chaos worsens amid health fears
Apr 17 Volcanic ash: Europe flights grounded for third day
Apr 17 Volcanic Ash Forces Obama to Cancel Poland Trip
Apr 18 Pope avoids sex scandal comment on Malta visit
Apr 18 Europe's airlines and airports question flight bans
Apr 18 Pope: Scandals call for 'new evangelization'
Apr 18 Pope's 5th anniversary overshadowed by scandal
Apr 19 Europe moves toward opening some air space
Apr 20 Priest abuse scandal grows in Latin America
Apr 20 U.K. Airports See Trans-Atlantic Flights Return
'Pope Shift' this time around implies the fall/exit of the current pope, if not the entire Roman Catholic Church starting in 2010. This in my view represents a major component of the 'Mayan 2010-2012' countdown to the end of the Age (of Pisces).
Nostradamus seems to agree:
Century II - 41
世紀 II - 41
The great star will burn for seven days,
The cloud will make two suns appear:
The large mastiff will howl all night
When the great pontiff changes his abode.
- Nostradamus
- 諾查丹馬斯
Smoke/cloud in line 2 and 'pope shift' in line 4... complemented by 'two suns' in line 2 alluding to 'Lucifer' the second sun in '2010'!
第2行的煙 /雲和第4行的'教宗轉移'...配以第2行的'兩個太陽',轉彎抹角地說第二個太陽'路西法' 在'2010'出現!