Saturn's Mystery Hexagon
巨大六角雲在土星上旋轉 同時在木星的雲層消失
Giant hexagon of clouds spins on Saturn while clouds disappear from Jupiter
Saturday, May 15, 2010
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of
(NaturalNews) Here at NaturalNews, we normally report on Earthly events, but right now some rather grand events are taking place in our solar system that you may want to know about.
For starters, there's the odd fact that one of Jupiter's huge red stripes -- which is really a massive storm system many times larger than planet Earth -- has suddenly disappeared. ( Known as the "Southern Equatorial Belt", this storm system isn't exactly permanent: Jupiter's belts undergo striking transformations every 10 - 15 years, according to astronomers.
對於新仔,有奇怪的事實,木星的其中一條巨大紅色帶 - 它真實的是一大型的風暴系統大過地球許多倍 - 卻突然消失被稱為“南赤道帶”,這風暴系統是不正確地永久:木星帶每10 - 15年經歷引人注目的變化,據天文學家。
Far more bizarre and mysterious is something that NASA's Cassini spacecraft first noticed in 2007. There is a large rotating hexagon circling the north pole of Saturn. (
遠為奇特和神秘的,是一些東西NASA的卡西尼號探測船首次於 2007年發現,有一個大型旋轉的六邊形在環繞土星的北極。
This isn't some conspiracy theory. It's not some sort of far-fetched interpretation of random organic structure. It is quite clearly a massive hexagon, and it's circling the north pole of Saturn as we speak. And by "massive", I mean this hexagon is larger than the planet Earth.
Straight from the NASA website: "This is a very strange feature, lying in a precise geometric fashion with six nearly equally straight sides," said Kevin Baines, atmospheric expert and member of Cassini's visual and infrared mapping spectrometer team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. "We've never seen anything like this on any other planet. Indeed, Saturn's thick atmosphere where circularly-shaped waves and convective cells dominate is perhaps the last place you'd expect to see such a six-sided geometric figure, yet there it is."
直接從美國航空航天局的網站:“這是一個非常奇怪的特徵,以六條幾乎相等的直邊躺入一個精確的幾何款式,”大氣專家和加州帕薩迪納NASA噴氣推進實驗室卡西尼的視覺和紅外線繪圖光譜儀小組的會員凱文貝恩斯說,“我們從來沒有見過像這樣的東西在任何其它星球上,實際上,土星的粗厚大氣層,圓形狀的波和對流的cells dominate,也許是最後一個地方你會預期看到,這樣的一個六邊的幾何圖形,然而那裡是。“
The hexagon, according to NASA, is 60 miles thick (deep) and an astonishing 15,000 miles wide.
根據美國航空航天局,六角形是60哩厚(深),和驚人的約 15,000哩寬。
That means four Earths would fit inside it. Yes, it's really that big. And of course, it seems entirely unnatural. Clouds don't form hexagon shapes and then maintain those structures as the edges orbit the center. Looking at this shape, it is difficult to explain it as "natural."
But that's not all there is to see here.
The all-seeing eye pyramid inside the hexagon
As I was studying this animation from NASA, something struck me as particularly interesting. Inside the hexagon there's a three-sided pyramid shape. It appears quite clearly as a lighter-shade triangle set against the background of the hexagon. Imagine a pyramid placed on top of the hexagon and you'll see it.
There's even more: Inside the pyramid is the shape of the all-seeing eye. You can clearly see it in the center of the pyramid shape, which is inside the hexagon.
Here's a still image from the NASA animation:
In it, you can just barely make out the shape of an inverted pyramid, plus two concentric circles in the center. Here's an overlay of lines showing the structure of the pyramid, plus the all-seeing eye:

The all-seeing eye and the pyramid
Do you recognize this all-seeing eye with the pyramid? If not, just whip out a dollar bill from your pocket and glance at the back. There it is!
Yes, your U.S. currency contains the exact same image: An all-seeing eye, centered inside the top of the pyramid, looking over you from the back of a dollar bill.
Here's a zoomed-in image showing you this from the back of a U.S. dollar bill:

Reality check
Please note what you're thinking right now as you're reading this. So far, I have not presented anything other than what is evident. There is a spinning hexagon of clouds on Saturn's north pole. Inside the hexagon is a triangle (pyramid). Inside the triangle are two concentric circles that look a lot like a human eye.
This shape looks a whole lot like the pyramid with the all-seeing eye on the back of the U.S. dollar.
Notice I haven't mentioned anything about any conspiracy, or aliens, or anything of that kind. These are just observations of the world around us.
Granted, they are fascinating observations. In fact, if you told most people what I've printed here in this article so far, they would think you were absolutely nuts.
And yet all I've done so far is republished NASA photos from the Cassini spacecraft and shown pictures from the back of U.S. currency. I've also pointed out some eerie similarities between the two.
But anyone with half a brain, upon seeing these pictures, would begin to wonder: Is this just a coincidence? And why is there a 15,000-mile wide spinning hexagon on Saturn in the first place?
I've mentioned this to quite a few people, and no one I talked to was even aware of this. So what's it doing there?
Natural phenomenon or intelligent design?
There are really one two possibilities for explaining the giant hexagon on Saturn: It is either a natural phenomenon or it was intelligently designed. (Well, I suppose there's a third possibility: That the whole thing is some sort of grand NASA hoax and the pictures were faked... but to what end?)
真的有一兩種可能性去解釋在土星上的巨型六邊形:它要么是一種自然現象,或者它是智能設計的。 (好吧,我假定有第三種可能性:即整件事情是某種NASA的大騙局,和照片是偽造的...但什麼目的呢?)
I can't wait to see the debates about this on our Facebook page, by the way, because "intelligently designed" could include anything: God, an alien race, a supernatural being, a previous Earthly civilization, a civilization from a parallel universe... who knows?
"Intelligently designed" means some conscious, intelligent being (or group of beings) intentionally created it. If so, you'd have to wonder: For what purpose? What would a giant spinning hexagon on Saturn actually accomplish?
Cymatics and the physical structure of sound
The far more likely explanation for the giant hexagon on Saturn may be that it is a natural phenomenon. And the only phenomenon I'm familiar with that might explain this involves the field of cymatics.
最遠有可能在土星上巨大六邊形的解釋可能是,它是一種自然現象。和我唯一熟悉的現象,可以解釋這是涉及視音技術的領域 (註:看視頻)。
Cymatics is the study of how sound can alter the physical structure of materials, creating interesting structural patterns. To see this for yourself, you can turn a stereo speaker on its edge (with the speaker facing up), then place a liquid pudding of corn starch and water on top of a layer of plastic wrap, on top of the speaker. When you crank up the music, the corn starch creates bizarre and fascinating shapes due to the expression of the structure of the sound.
See an example of this "DIY cymatics" on YouTube:
Collin's Lab: DIY Cymatics
I've been thinking that the giant hexagon on Saturn could theoretically be caused by very low-frequency sound waves emanating from some sort of geological action on the planet's surface. Perhaps these sound waves are being focused toward the north pole of the planet in much the same way that earthquake shockwaves can "bounce" off subterranean geological features. These sound waves could theoretically create a "cymatic" effect that we're seeing as a giant hexagon swirling around the pole.
It sounds far-fetched, I know. But not nearly as far-fetch as "aliens built it." When it comes to bizarre phenomena like this, all the explanations sound far-fetched.
You can come up with your own theory to explain all this, of course. But make no mistake: There is a giant hexagon of clouds 15,000 miles wide swirling around the north pole of Saturn, and even NASA has no idea why or how it got there. Who or what maintains the hexagon structure and keeps the clouds swirling in a six-sided geometric pattern?
Or is this a "natural" event taking place on a massive scale? If it's natural, it would demonstrate that nature can create some astonishingly complex (and large-scale) designs in the worlds around us. That's particularly interesting because the FDA believes nature is incapable of creating even a single plant-based nutrient that has any beneficial effect whatsoever on the human body.
或者這是否一件“自然”事件以大規模比例發生?如果它是自然的,它會示範大自然在我們周圍的世界能創造一些驚人的複雜(和大型)設計。那這是特別有趣的,因為 FDA相信大自然是無法創造甚至單一的植物基礎營養,無論如何在人體上有任何有利的影響。
There's a lot of denial in Washington about the power and "creativity" of nature. Maybe those folks should look toward the heavens and take note of what's really happening in our universe... because some of it is pretty darned spectacular.
Just ask NASA.
Please let us know YOUR thoughts on this giant hexagon on Saturn. Is it a NATURAL event? Was it created by MAN? Was it put there by GOD? Is it an elaborate NASA HOAX?
Chime in with your own thoughts at where our readers love to discuss and debate fascinating ideas!
(2009年12月14日 17:29:25)
Saturn's Strange Hexagon Simulated in Laboratory
Saturn's Hexagon Replicated In Laboratory
Jupiter loses one of its stripes and scientists are stumped as to why
By Claire Bates
Last updated at 11:40 PM on 12th May 2010

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