Top 10 Most Overlooked Mysteries in History
Published February 25, 2008

The ancient Indus Valley people, India’s oldest known civilization had a culture that stretched from Western India to Afghanistan and a populace of over 5 million. le—India’s oldest known civilization—were an impressive and apparently sanitary bronze-age bunch. The scale of their baffling and abrupt collapse rivals that of the great Mayan decline. They were a hygienically advanced culture with a highly sophisticated sewage drainage system, and immaculately constructed baths. There is to date no archaeological evidence of armies, slaves, conflicts, or other aspects of ancient societies. No one knows where this civilization went.
古代印度河流域的住民,印度最古老的已知文明有一個從西印度延伸到阿富汗的文化,和人眾超過 500萬。樂 - 印度的最古老已知文明 - 是一個令人印象深刻及明顯是衛生的青銅時代群。他們的令人困惑和突然的崩潰規模可比對偉大瑪雅人的衰落。他們是衛生地先進的文化,有一個非常複雜的污水排放系統,並乾淨地興建的浴室。到今日仍沒有考古證據有軍隊、奴隸、衝突或其它古代社會的層面。沒有人知道這個文明去了那裡。

2. The Tarim Mummies
An amazing discovery of 2,000 year old mummies in the Tarim basin of Western China occurred in the early 90s. But more amazing than the discovery itself was the astonishing fact that the mummies were blond haired and long nosed. In 1993, Victor Mayer a college professor collected DNA from the mummies and his tests verified that the bodies were all of European genetic stock. Ancient Chinese texts from as early as the first millennium BC do mention groups of far-east dwelling caucasian people referred to as the Bai, Yeuzhi, and Tocharians. None, though, fully reveal how or why these people ended up there.
90年代初在中國西部塔里木盆地有一驚奇發現 2000年久的木乃伊,但更令人驚訝的發現是,驚人的事實木乃伊都是金頭髮和長鼻子的。在 1993年,一位大學教授維克多邁耶從木乃伊們收集DNA,測試證實屍體都是歐洲的遺傳材料。早在公元前1000年的中國古老文獻確提到,遠東居住的高加索人群體,被稱為白族,Yeuzhi和吐火羅。不過沒有全面揭示這些人如何或為什麼在那裡。

3. The Voynich Manuscript
The Voynich Manuscript is a medieval document written in an unknown script and in an unknown language. For over one hundred years people have tried to break the code to no avail. The overall impression given by the surviving leaves of the manuscript suggests that it was meant to serve as a pharmacopoeia or to address topics in medieval or early modern medicine. However, the puzzling details of illustrations have fueled many theories about the book’s origins, the contents of its text, and the purpose for which it was intended. The document contains illustrations that suggest the book is in six parts: Herbal, Astronomical, Biological, Cosmological, Pharmaceutical, and recipes.

4. The Lost Roman Legion
After the Parthians defeated underachieving Roman General Crassus’ army, legend has it that a small band of the POWs wandered through the desert and were eventually rounded up by the Han military 17 years later. First century Chinese historian Ban Gu wrote an account of a confrontation with a strange army of about a hundred men fighting in a “fish-scale formation” unique to Roman forces. An Oxford historian who compared ancient records claims that the lost roman legion founded a small town near the Gobi desert named Liqian, which in Chinese translates to Rome. DNA tests are being conducted to answer that claim and hopefully explain some of the residents’ green eyes, blonde hair, and fondness of bullfighting.
在帕提亞人打敗 未能充分發揮的羅馬將軍克拉蘇的軍隊後,有一個傳說一小隊戰俘在沙漠徘徊和最終由韓的軍隊在17年後圍捕。第一世紀中國的歷史學家班固寫述一場對抗,一隊約 1 00人的奇怪軍隊以羅馬軍隊獨有的“魚鱗陣”戰鬥。一位牛津大學歷史學家比較古代記錄後稱,丟失的羅馬軍團在戈壁沙漠附近建立一個小鎮命名為立強,由中文翻譯成羅馬。 DNA測試正在進行以回應這說法,希望解釋到一些居民的綠眼睛、金髮、和喜愛鬥牛。

5. Who Was Robin Hood?
The historical search for the legendary thief Robin Hood has turned up masses of possible names. One candidate includes the Yorkshire fugitive Robert Hod, also known as Hobbehod or Robert Hood of Wakefield. The large number of suspects is complicated further as the name Robin Hood became a common term for an outlaw. As literature began to add new characters to the tale such as Prince John and Richard the Lionheart the trail became more obscure. To this day no one knows who this criminal really was.
歷史搜尋那傳說的俠盜羅賓漢出現大量的可能名稱,一名候選人包括約克郡的逃犯羅伯特荷德,亦被稱為 Hobbehod或韋克菲爾德的羅伯特胡德。人數眾多的嫌疑更進一步複雜化,當羅賓漢的姓名成為一 個反叛者的普通術語。因為文學開始在故事添加新角色,例如王子約翰和獅心王理查德等,使線索變得更加模糊不清。到這一天,沒有人真的知道這罪犯是誰。

6. The Carnac Stones
Everyone has heard of Stonehenge, but few know the Carnac Stones. These are 3,000 megalithic stones arranged in perfect lines over a distance of 12 kilometers on the coast of Brittany in the North-West of France. Mythology surrounding the stones says that each stone is a soldier in a Roman legion that Merlin the Wizard turned in to stone. Scientific attempts at an explanation suggests that the stones are most likely an elaborate earthquake detector. The identity of the Neolithic people who built them is unknown.
每個人都聽說過巨石陣,但很少人知道卡納克巨石。它是3,000塊巨石建造的石頭, 在法國西北的布列塔尼海岸,排列成12公里距離的完美直線。周圍石頭的神話說,每塊石頭是羅馬軍團的一個士兵,術士默林變成石頭。科學企圖的解釋提出,石頭最有可能是精心的地震檢測器。建造它們的新石器時代人的身份仍未知道。

7. Fall of the Minoans
The Minoans are best known for the legend of Theseus and the Minotaur, but it is in fact the demise of this once-great civilisation that is more interesting. While many historians concentrate on the fall of the Roman Empire, the fall of the Minoans, who resided on the island of Crete, is an equal, if not greater mystery. Three and a half thousand years ago the island was shaken by a huge volcanic eruption on the neighbouring Thera Island. Archeologists unearthed tablets which have shown that the Minoans carried on for another 50 years after the eruption, before finally folding. Theories of what finally ended them have ranged from volcanic ash covering the island and devastating harvests to the weakened society eventually getting taken over by invading Greeks.

8. The Bog Bodies
This mystery may even be a problem for those legendary investigators from CSI and the like! The bog bodies are hundreds of ancient corpses found buried around the northern bogs and wetlands of Northern Europe. These bodies are remarkably well preserved, some dating back 2,000 years. Many of these bodies have tell-tale signs of torture and other medieval “fun”, which have made some researchers postulating that these unfortunate victims were the result of ritual sacrifices.
(其它:多塞特郡殺戳塲發現51個維京人的無頭屍體 )

9. Lost City of Helike
In the late 2nd century AD, the Greek writer Pausanias wrote an account of how (4-500 years earlier?) in one night a powerful earthquake destroyed the great city of Helike, with a Tsunami washing away what remained of the once-flourishing metropolis. The city, capital of the Achaean League, was a worship centre devoted to the ancient god Poseidon, god of the sea. There was no trace of the legendary society mentioned outside of the ancient Greek writings until 1861, when an archeologist found some loot thought to have come from Helike – a bronze coin with the unmistakable head of Poseidon. In 2001, a pair of archeologists managed to locate the ruins of Helike beneath the mud and gravel of the coast, and are currently trying to peice together the rise and sudden fall of what has been called the “real” Atlantis.
在公元第2世紀後期,希臘作家鮑桑尼亞寫出(4-500年前?)一個晚上一個強力的地震如何摧毀偉大的城市希來克,以一個海嘯沖走曾經是繁華大都市所剩餘的一切。那城市是亞該亞同盟國的首都,乃一個崇拜中心專為古代海神波塞冬 - 大海的神。在 古希臘文獻以外沒有一絲提及那傳奇的社會,直到1861年,當一位考古學家發現一些被認為是來自希來克的戰利品 - 一個銅幣有明確的海神頭部。 在2001年,兩名考古學家設法找到希來克的廢墟,在海岸的碎石和泥土下,並正在試圖拼湊那冒起和突然倒下,被稱為“真正的”亞特蘭蒂斯的東西。
(更多: 加勒比海底 發現古城
谷歌地球上的亞特蘭蒂斯 )

10. Rongorongo
While many people know of the Moai of Easter Island, not that many people know of the other mystery associated with Easter Island. ‘Rongorongo’ is the hieroglyphic written language of the region’s earlier inhabitants. Rongorongo is strange in that no other neighbouring oceanic people used a written language. It appeared around the 1700s, though was unfortunately lost after the early European colonizers banned it because of its ties to the native islanders’ pagan roots
雖然很多人都知道摩艾的復活節島,但沒有那麼多人知道其它與復活節島相關的神秘。 'Rongorongo'是該地區早期居民書寫的象形文字。 Rongorongo奇怪在於沒有其他鄰近海洋的人們使用書面的語言。它出現在1700年左右,不幸的是它在早期的歐洲殖民者禁制後失去,由於它與當地土著'異教徒根源的關係。
(更多:至今無法破譯的8種古代文字 )