Russian company unveils plans for 5th-generation 'invisible' helicopters

Russian Helicopters is planning to create the world's first fifth-generation combat helicopter which experts say would be able to attack fighter jets and be invisible for radars, Russian daily Gazeta said on Thursday.
"We are working on the concept of the fifth-generation combat helicopter," the paper quoted the company's CEO, Andrei Shibitov, as saying at a news conference in Moscow.
Shibitov did not specify the characteristics of the helicopter, but said the company was going to spend some $1 billion on the project, with more investment expected to be allocated from the state budget.
Shibitov未有細說直升機的特點,但表示公司將在項目上動用約 10億美元,預計從國家的預算分配更多的投資。
First deputy head of the Russian Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Konstantin Sivkov, told the paper fifth-generation combat helicopters have never been created before, although the U.S. recently began working on a similar project.
He said criteria for a fifth-generation combat helicopter say it must be radar invisible, have an extended flying range, be equipped with an intellectual arms control system, be able to combat fighter jets (existing helicopters are generally only intended to hit ground-based targets) and reach a speed of up to 500-600 km/h (310-370 mph).
The project cannot proceed, however, unless it is backed by the government.
"If the government does not sign a contract, the idea will die on the vine," head of the Russian Academy of Geopolitical Problems Leonid Ivashov told Gazeta.
Ivashov said that with sufficient investment and good organization the new helicopter could be built within five years. Otherwise, the project may drag on for 20-30 years.
But he sounded skepticism about chances to carry out the project.
"We have been snatching at everything - fifth-generation planes, fifth-generation helicopters, but nothing of this have so far been supplied to the army - today the army uses helicopters produced in 1970s," Ivashov said.
(路透)2010年5月21日 星期五 12:12
(路透華盛頓 20日電)美國 情報官員表示,中國正在打造可與洛克希德馬丁公司F-22猛禽(Raptor)戰機匹敵的先進戰機,可能在8年內就能服役。F-22是美國目前性能最強的戰機。
美國國家航空暨太空情報中心(National Air andSpace Intelligence Center)的伍爾曼(Wayne Ulman)今天說:「我們預期中國第5代戰機將在2018年左右服役。」他是在向國會授權研究美中經濟關係對美國國家安全影響的委員會作證時,做以上表示。
美國國防部長蓋茨(Robert Gates)去年表示,「預料中國在2020年之前不會有第5代戰機」,且在2025年之前只能生產「少數幾架」。
國家航空暨太空情報中心是美軍研究外國空軍及太空軍力的主要情報提供者。伍爾曼是中心的中國「議題經理」。他表示,中國部隊正在研究如果對台灣 動武,可以有哪些選項。
他告訴美中經濟暨安全檢討委員會(U.S.-ChinaEconomic and Security Review Commission)說,人民解放軍 預料「美國會介入並支援台灣」,正在準備對付美國的方法。