

波蘭檢察官尋找關鍵視頻 的作家

波蘭檢察官尋找關鍵視頻 的作家
Polish prosecutors look for author of key video

Wednesday, 12 May 2010 13:21

Polish prosecutors are looking for the person who shot a video clip of the crash site of the Tupolev 154 in Smolensk on April 10th, Polskaweb reports.
波蘭檢察官正在尋找那人,他拍攝一視頻片段有關4月10日在斯摩棱斯克的圖波列夫 154 墜機現場,Polskaweb報告。
The clip lasting 84 seconds shows no signs of bodies, clothes or personal belongings at the crash site even though about 100 people in the 172-seat plane allegedly died in the crash. Four gunshots can be heard. Figures seen moving between the trees appear to locate and then shoot the four crew members who survived.
片段持續八十四秒顯示沒有屍體、衣物或個人財物的跡象在墜機現場,即使據稱約 100人在172個座位的飛機墜毀時死亡,四下槍火聲能被聽到,人物被看見在樹木之間移動,看似找到並隨後射殺四名倖存的機組人員。
The film has been confirmed to be authentic by Polish investigators.
It has emerged that the film was shot by an employee of a car show room close to the crash site who uploaded the film onto the internet, and not by a journalist called Adrij Mendierej as first claimed.

It is not clear how Polish investigators plan to find and interview the person, who lives in Russia.

As inconsistencies in the official version of an accident grow, MPs from the opposition Law and Justice Party on Monday tabled 20 questions about the investigations, including concerning the legal basis for the investigation.

Also, the MPs asked for international experts to be called in.

In addition, Prime Minister Donald Tusk was asked whether the investigators are looking for the "right kind of evidence" or if they are just investigating the official version of an accident.

The MPs questions come as a journalist working for the Polish newspaper Fakt found a radio compass used to hone in on beacons to make landing calculations at the crash site of the Tupolev.

It is not clear why such an important piece of evidence was lying around almost one month after the crash if the site has been properly investigated.

Also, it has emerged that the Polish airforce pilot Arkadiusz Protasiuk was prohibited by regulations from landing any aircraft when visibility was under 500 metres if the airport had a satellite-based landing system.

For airports where there is no such system, pilots are only allowed to land if visibility is more than 1,200 metres, the Polish airforce has said.

Airforce spokesperson Robert Kupracz said that the only reason why the pilot could have tried to land in spite of visibility of 300 to 400 metres could be a lack of proper communication with the air traffic controller at Smolensk.

According to Polish media, the Prosecutor Andrzej Seremet is investigating the cell phones of the victims, which appear to have been switched on at the time of the crash, providing further indirect evidence that the victims were not on board the plane because cell phones are turned off as a matter of routine, and that they were abducted elsewhere.

Szemet appears to be trying to suggest that the cellphones may have brought down the plane.



