Teen girls bribed to get Gardasil vaccine with shopping vouchers
Friday, April 30, 2010
by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
(NaturalNews) The British National Health Service (NHS) has begun bribing teenage girls between the ages of 16 and 18 to get Gardasil vaccines. Officials are giving shopping vouchers worth the equivalent of roughly $70 to girls who agree to get jabbed with the vaccine, which has been implicated in numerous cases of severe harm and death.
(NaturalNews)英國國民健康服務體系(NHS)已開始收買16和18歲之間的少女去獲得 Gardasil疫苗,官員們提供購物券價值相當於約 70美元給女孩同意打疫苗,那已涉及許多宗的嚴重傷害和死亡。
Officials from NHS Birmingham East and North have initiated the pilot program which is costing taxpayers the equivalent of about $35,000. No parental consent is required in order for young girls to participate in the program.
伯明翰東北的國民保健官員已開始試點計劃,那耗資納稅人相當於約 35,000元。為使年輕女孩參加這項計劃,不用得到父母同意。
Many governments around the world have been pushing Gardasil through national campaigns designed to scare and entice women into getting the vaccine. The U.K. is no exception, as it continues to push for all girls between 12 and 18 years old to receive the shots, despite outcry from concerned citizens over the dangers of the vaccine.
世界各地許多的政府已一直在推動 Gardasil,透過全國性的運動,設計以嚇怕和引誘婦女去打疫苗。英國也沒例外,因為它繼續推動所有12至18歲女孩去接受注射鏡頭,儘管有關市民吶喊疫苗的危險。
The latest pilot program scam, however, essentially bribes young girls to get the vaccine with public funds. "[The project is] a serious misuse of taxpayers' money," said Norman Wells, Director of Family and Youth Concern, a national educational trust in the U.K. that researchers the causes and consequences of family breakdown.
To make matters worse, Gardasil is not even effective at preventing the HPV virus for which it is being marketed. According to Dr. Diane Harper, lead researcher for the development of both Gardasil and Cervarix, said in an interview that the vaccines do little to reduce cervical cancer rates. According to her, seventy percent of all HPV infections subside on their own within a year, and 90 percent subside within two years without any treatment. Only half of the remaining ten percent will even develop into cervical cancer.
使事情變得更糟的是,Gardasil是甚至不能有效地預防HPV病毒,而它正在以此點推廣。據為Gardasil與 Cervarix兩者發展的領導研究人員哈珀黛安博士,在接受採訪時說,疫苗對減少子宮頸癌發病率能做的很少。據她說,所有HPV感染的70%在一年之內自行消退,在,和90%在兩年內消退而未作任何治療。剩餘百分之十的只有一半,將甚至會發展為子宮頸癌。
Harper also admitted that current preventive measures are already effectively reducing the number of cases of cervical cancer and that, even if most girls received the vaccine, Gardasil would not even be able to match what traditional care is already doing. Add to this the mounting number of girls who have been seriously injured, paralyzed, or have died from the vaccine, it is hard to believe that any government agency gets away with promoting, or even mandating, the toxic snake oil.
Merck, the manufacturer of Gardasil, has been working very hard to get the vaccine mandated for all young girls and has even begun to target young boys. At a cost of roughly $500 a pop, it becomes disturbingly clear why many politicians and government agencies are cooperating with Merck to market the dangerous and ineffective vaccine.
45英鎊店鋪 '賄賂' 為子宮頸癌刺戳給十多歲少女
£45 shops ‘bribe’ for cervical cancer jab for teenage girls
By Mail On Sunday Reporter
Last updated at 11:09 AM on 14th February 2010
Teenage girls are being rewarded with shopping vouchers for having the cervical cancer jab.
Girls aged 16 to 18 are being given £45 of vouchers if they complete an inoculation course against the HPV virus, the sexually transmitted infection that causes 70 per cent of cervical tumours.
A national campaign to vaccinate girls aged 12 to 18 has been criticised over fears it may encourage promiscuity and raise pregnancy rates, and uptake has been low among girls aged 16 to 18.

Teenage girls are being offered shopping vouchers for having the cervical cancer jab
Now, the £22,500 pilot scheme gives young women Love2shop vouchers if they have three injections. No parental consent is needed.
Bosses at NHS Birmingham East and North, which is carrying out the pilot, said it has ‘real benefits for health’. The project could be rolled out across the country. But campaigners claim the scheme amounts to bribery.
Norman Wells, director of Family And Youth Concern, said the project was ‘a serious misuse of taxpayers’ money’.
One mother, who did not want to be named, said she was ‘appalled’ when her daughter, 17, was offered the ‘unethical’ vouchers.
印度子宮頸癌疫苗計劃暫停 在4名女孩死亡後