GI ordered to leave children behind
Mon, 03 May 2010 17:16:57 GMT

A US soldier who tried to help injured Iraqi civilians after a US apache strike says his superior ordered him not to tend to the injured children on the scene.
Ethan McCord, a US infantry soldier, was one of the six troopers who were dispatched to the scene after the apache helicopters killed a dozen people, including two Reuters staff, in Baghdad.
一個美軍步兵士兵伊森麥科德,是六個士兵被派往現場的其中一個,在阿帕奇直升機殺死 12人後,包括在巴格達的兩名路透社工作人員。
"When I came on the scene I saw the bodies, I could hear a child crying, so the crying was coming from the van so I immediately went up to the van and when I looked inside I saw a girl who's about three years of age, she had a belly wound, and glass in her eyes and in her hair," McCord told Press TV in an exclusive interview on Sunday.
“當我來到現場我看到那些屍體,我能聽到一個孩子哭叫,那麼哭聲是來自貨車上,所以我立刻走到貨車前,當我看內面,我看見一個約 3歲的女孩,她有一個在肚子的傷口,並有玻璃在她的眼睛和頭髮裡,“麥科德告訴新聞TV在週日的專訪。
"The team leader who was standing there told me I needed to stop worrying about these motherf$@%ing kids," said McCord, a father of two.
“站在那裡的隊長告訴我,我需要停止擔心這些 ....孩子,”一名兩個兒子父親的麥科德說。
The July 2007 incident was captured by the US military. The classified video was acquired by WikiLeaks through military whistleblowers.
The group released the video which showed an aerial view of a group of men moving about a square in a Baghdad neighborhood before being targeted by the apache chopper.
McCord says he is struggling with mental problems dealing with the "real destruction," after he consulted military for assistance.
The psychiatrist "told me I needed to suck it up, … and to be a soldier and he told me that there would be repercussions," McCord said. "Right now we have a large number of suicides taking place in the US among military personal or recently returned vets from Iraq and Afghanistan."
He also noted that he has been trying to talk to local media in the US to tell the story, but "nobody wanted to listen; nobody wanted to hear about anything."
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