Egyptian blue found in Spanish church
Thu, 06 May 2010 13:57:43 GMT

Barcelona University researchers have stumbled upon the remains of Egyptian blue pigment in a 12th-Century Romanesque altarpiece in northeast Spain.
巴塞隆娜大學研究人員偶然發現,埃及藍顏料的殘留在一座位於 西班牙東北的12世紀羅馬式祭壇。
According to the research published in the journal Archaeometry, the pigment was found in the altarpiece of the Sant Pere de Terrassa church in Barcelona.
"We carried out a systematic study of the pigments used in the altarpiece during restoration work on the church, and we could show that most of them were fairly local and 'poor' - earth, whites from lime, blacks from smoke - and we were completely unprepared for Egyptian blue to turn up", co-author of the study Mario Vendrell told the Scientific Information and News Service (SINC).
Egyptian blue, also known as Pompeian blue, was a pigment used to decorate objects and murals by ancient Egyptians and Romans. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire Pompeian blue was no longer used.
埃及藍,也被稱為 龐貝人藍,是一種顏料被古埃及人和羅馬人用來裝飾物體和壁畫。在西羅馬帝國倒台後, 龐貝人藍已不再使用。
Completely assured of the study results, Vendrell said the pigment could not be any other kind of pigment used in Romanesque murals.
"The results show without any shadow of a doubt that the pigment is Egyptian blue", he said, adding that “There is no evidence that medieval people had the knowledge to make the pigment.”
"In fact it has never been found in any mural from the era."
"The most likely hypothesis is that the builders of the church happened upon a 'ball' of Egyptian blue from the Roman period and decided to use it in the paintings on the stone altarpiece," Vendrell explained.