(星島)2010年5月23日 星期日 14:02
美國 總統奧巴馬 周六出席西點軍校畢業禮時強調,美國不能在這個世界上單獨行事。他保證會繼續努力,擺脫前總統喬治布殊 的政策,重新制訂一套全新的國家安全策略,建立一套「新的國際秩序」。
美國現時還要同時應付伊拉克 和阿富汗 兩場戰爭。奧巴馬重申,未來的政策仍然以維護美國安全為重點,但他暗示,會放棄前總統喬治布殊所推捧的「牛仔外交」和「先發制人」的政策。
(商台)2010年5月23日 星期日 03:18
美國 總統奧巴馬 在西點軍校畢業禮致辭,強調美國不能在全球單獨行動,承諾會建立新的國際秩序,作為國家安全策略的一部份。
奧巴馬表示,今個世紀的重擔,不能完全放在美國士兵身上;敵人都想見到美國,因為過份擴張勢力而大傷元氣;美國在尋求領導全球時,必須加強現有聯盟,建立新伙伴關係,以及促進全球人權,透過新的國際秩序,應對這一代的挑戰。奧巴馬將於今個星期,發表國家安全策略。美國前總統喬治布殊 ,曾被指推行「牛仔外交」,主張先發制人,對付被指威脅美國安全的國家及恐怖組織。
German navy frigate sails to Iran in military build up
Saturday, 22 May 2010 14:04
The German Navy frigate “The Hessen” as well as German submarines are being sent to Iran as part of an American carrier strike group, sparking fears that the Globalists are poised to try to launch world war three.
The 100,000-strong contingent of German troops in Afghanistan got new tanks earlier this month, including 15 Marder tank destroyers as well as armoured vehicles to launch bridges and build roads.
In addition, the German airforce is believed to have participated in military exercises held in European air space when it was shut down due to the volcanic ash cloud in April, according to internet sources.
The controlled German mainstream media, especially "Bild", has been feeding Germans a diet of war mongering in recent weeks with big feature stories on the attendance at a funeral of soldiers killed recently in Afghanistan by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and German Defence Minister Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg.
In spite of the diet of war propaganda, the German public remain sceptical about the war.
A poll conducted by Bild showed that the overwhelming majority of Germans are opposed to continuing the war in Afghanisatn. 66% said they wanted troops to be returned home.
In the meantime, there is verifiable, scientific evidence showing that the destruction of the World Trade Centre on September 9/11, 2001, was deliberately engineered with the help of elements in the US government with the collusion of the UK and other governments apparently in order to have a pretext for starting a war in Afghanistan and the Middle East for profit.
The Globalists have been planning to start world war three for a long period of time as the culmination of their efforts to put in place a one world government.
The accelerating destruction of Germany’s economy in a second engineered Great Depression will leave millions impoverished as happened in the 1930s.
There appear to be plans to repeat the Nazis tactic of putting the impoverished into the army and rekicking the economy by starting a war.
Under the Lisbon Treaty, all countries in the EU are obliged to enter a war with an enemy designated by the European Commission, and military service can be made compulsory.