Loss of wildlife threatens food supplies – UN
The 'collective failure' of the world to stop environmental degradation could cut off water supplies, push up food prices and even cause wars, the United Nations has warned
世界的 '集體失敗' 去停止環境惡化,可能切斷用水供應,推高食品價格,和甚至導致戰爭,聯合國已發出警告
By Louise Gray, Environment Correspondent
Published: 5:23PM BST 10 May 2010

聯合國秘書長潘基文說,世界的“集體失敗”去對付生物多樣性的喪失,可能影響糧食和用水的供應。照片:法新社/ Getty圖像
The latest report on global biodiversity gives a more bleak picture than ever before of the state of the natural environment. In the last 35 years there has been a 30 per cent decline in the number of mammals, birds and other vertebrates on the planet, while the human population has doubled. It is impossible to count the loss of plants and insects because there are so many, but scientists fear millions of species could have been lost before they are even discovered.
Already major 'tipping points' are being crossed that will catapult the world into further irreversible loss, such as the decline of the Amazon rainforest, Arctic tundra and coral reefs.
Ban Ki Moon, the Secretary General of the UN, said the loss of wildlife is already being felt by poor people who rely on the plants and animals in their immediate area for food.
But he said the developed world will also suffer as fish stocks decline, fertile land becomes desert and food prices rise. Cure for diseases that are yet to be discovered could be lost forever. The fight for natural resources, as water sources dry up, could even cause major conflict.
"The consequences of this collective failure, if it is not corrected quickly, will be severe for all of us," said Mr Ban. "Biodiversity underpins the functioning of the ecosystems on which we depend for food and fresh water, health and recreation, and protection from natural disasters. Its loss also affects us culturally and spiritually. This may be more difficult to quantify but it is nonetheless essential to our wellbeing."
“在這集體失敗的後果,如果不被迅速糾正,對我們所有人將會是嚴重,”潘基文說。 “生物多樣性鞏固生態系統的功能,在那上面我們賴以為生的食物和淡水、健康和娛樂、以及預防自然災害。它的損失亦文化地和心靈地影響到我們,這可能是更難以量化,但它對我們的幸福仍然是必要的。“
The report, that involved thousands of scientists from more than 100 countries, confirmed that the world will fail to meet a UN target to halt biodiversity loss by this year.
該報告涉及來自 100多個國家的數以千計科學家,確認世界將未能達到聯合國的目標,在今年去遏制生物多樣性的喪失。
The Convention on Biodiversity, that will bring together Governments to discuss the issue in Japan later this year, will decide whether to set up a new organisation similar to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to address the problem.
Scientists have already warned that the rate of extinction is 1,000 times the natural rate and warned that biodiversity loss is as important as global warming. Many fear the world could be heading towards its sixth mass extinction.
全球20%動物物種即將消失 “第六次大滅絕”開始?